Real Thugs Eat Green Apple Jolly Ranchers.
Idk if this happens with other fathers in here but do yall ever feel you get over congratulated for basic father stuff. Like with black people its assumed Dad not there so to see one is like omg awesome. Im cool with it but strange its like that
Lol, it happens all the time.
DS and I take the kiddos to school in the morning and walk them all to class.
We always get complimented on our "beautiful family" and had one Vanilla lady ask if she can give me a hug and said that she is so proud of "US" and how we are raising the children in a 2 parent household letting them know daily that they are loved.
I was like .... Did you just Diss African-Americans as a unit To say that this is not the norm? or that children do not feel loved in a single parent home, in which I was raised.
I don't see you running up to congratulate and hug nobody else at this Vanilla saturated school. :hmm: