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Anybody fuck with Mesh wifi?

Is so im open to suggestions.. Freak lightning storm destroyed my router yesterday and im in the market for a new one
Man I swear, this place my job make us take our trucks to to get them fixed. Every time they fix one thing, they break another. If they ever even fix the shit all together.
Man I swear, this place my job make us take our trucks to to get them fixed. Every time they fix one thing, they break another. If they ever even fix the shit all together.

That come back work. I swear the locksmith here be on the same shit. And he's the building managers ppl. I'm like how the locks breaking every other day but we keep calling the same nigga to fix em???
Is their anybody else that doesnt care for small talk? it has uses and there are times where i might.. entertain bu generally.. nah
This is why I don’t have much of a relationship w a lot of ppl .....I can’t keep in touch cuz every time I call it’s the same bs small talk that don’t last more than 5 mins
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