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Do yall give a fake laugh when someone tells a corny joke?

Or do you straight up not laugh in their face, or go silent over the phone?
Depends how bad. If i really fuck with u tho ill clown u so we can really laugh.

Ill call my own shit trash right after i say it if i find it necessary tho...then mfs end up laughing anyway so i redeem myself
Bittersweet news:

I got an offer to take a position teaching at a Charter school in NY, but it’s literally the LAST school I wanna go to.

How do I buy time to see if the other school i Interviewed with will offer me a spot first?

You don't.

Otherwise, the school that offered you the job might think you're not interested and rescind their offer.
Do yall give a fake laugh when someone tells a corny joke?

Or do you straight up not laugh in their face, or go silent over the phone?

Stone faced. Even when they look over to see my reaction.

Doing shit to make other people comfortable has never been my thing, no matter who it is honestly


She must got a personal vendetta against him

Often times when you're trying to figure out the motivation of others. You have to step outside of your own biased thoughts and think of it from their perspective. Even if, their perspective has bias. So consider this...She may..see his music and persona as more of a negative influence on the city of Philly. If, she did do the request for him to perform the song. It may have been more of a get the clown to dance for me type thing, than any real actual desire to hear it.

She's jaded by the judicial system also and figured at the very least, jail wouldn't be any deterrent for him so why not release him but make him dance for her first. Not expecting him to have the amount of dignity he had. She took it as a personal affront to her own distaste for the system for which she works.

It made her feel small because even the power she weld meant nothing to him which meant in a way she meant nothing to him. She took it personal because her self esteem is tied to the office she holds. Some days she believes for moments that she's gone to far, but during the days. Jokes she hears made on her behalf, do nothing but hold her even more stiff in her position. Even if the whole thing was born from insecurity.

At the end of the day, she knows beyond financial or egregious abuse of the system. The system will always side on her end. She's made too many powerful allies and knows too many secrets, done to many favors for Meek to tople her. So she has nothing to lose.

Knowin all of that, the only thing that's gonna fix this for Meek is that same dignity that started it must finish it. Have respect enough for yourself as a man to know that humbling yourself at her feet, does not undignify you to yourself.
I wonder if someone or something can measure the force they're moving with when doing shit like that

i know its crazy
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