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The house next to us has been vacant for a good while. Neighbors joke and say it's cursed 'cause nobody that has ever owned it or live in it has been there for any length of time. Recently there's been a lot of activity there and looks like someone is moving it.

Last week, bruhman came knocking at my door. Older cat, clean look to himself, well spoken and alladat. Dude introduces himself, hands me his business card and tells me that he just bought the house and they're going to be operating a residential care facility from out of the home and I shouldn't be alarmed if there's ambulances rolling up frequently.


Nigga has a website for the "facility", there's a maximum of 10 people that they're going to be caring for out of that house. They had an open house over the weekend and had niggs parking in front of my driveway and shit, had the mailbox blocked off and shit, had all the people that live here complaining because their "guests" were just flagrantly disrespectful with their cars and shit. Now I got random cars in front of my house and shit, the family across the street mad 'cause when they can't park in front of my crib they parking in front of theirs. And because it's old folks, I'm sure they're gonna complain about noise when the family is out back in the pool and shit.

I ain't mad at the nigga for trying to make his money, but they're gonna need to take that shit somewhere else. Shit like this don't belong in a residential neighborhood. This is the one time I wish we lived in an HOA community 'cause that shit simply wouldn't fly.

I'm finna look into zoning laws. I can only see this shit getting worse for the neighborhood.
This celeb worshiping shit is getting crazier every year.

Yall chicks gotta chill with all that screaming when niggas scrappin
I ain't gone front man..when shit pop off I be calm as shit..soon as bitches get to screaming I get scared as fuck..ion know what it is about a woman screaming but that shit put me on high alert..

I mean, I've walked off a bus just as jumpout boys was pulling up on some corner boys popping..I calmly waited till them niggaz was done and walked to the next bus stop.

Man when hoes got to screaming minutes later...
PSA: Just because you have a camera phone with social media accounts, doesn't mean that you have the charisma, humor or intellect to go viral. So don't do it

gay gazing

my old barber went off on this dude one day.....said "quit tryna Drake me man!"
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