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Last nite was dope af ima need more friends to get married lmao. My guy said the shit cost 18 G's dont think ill be having a wedding anytime soon.
So uhh..
What if Sean Connery's character from The Rock is actually a disavowed James Bond?

Also there were 3 yautjas in Predator.

Think about it.

Every movie other than Predator shows them traveling in groups, except for Wolf in Requiem.

No way one could survive that wall of bullets and ordinance they threw at it.
Billy killed the second one and died from his wounds.
Dutch killed the final one.
This is a running theory
Nobody even read my last shit...

Well one person did.... They gave it a wack too

@AP21 thanks for the arrested development recommendation.

The episode with Martin Short gave me an asthma attack
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