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Yo I had to get married.

When a nigga was single, I was the type of friend to get drunk and grab your whole titty....

Don't let us be play fighting....

Shit used to be so reckless.....

Thank gawd I found the Lord and he gifted me with one of his angels
What’s good Night Crew?


What up @Meeks?
Yo I was watching this video about Easter Island, and they were talking about the mysteries and debunking some of the conspiracy theories that have been put for over the years. One of the mysteries concerned the whereabouts of the original inhabitants. It's a small island, but at one time it had around 20K people. Now almost no one lives there.

At one time the going theory was that the people cut down the forests and messed up the environment all so they could move the statues around and ended up cause a lack of food that led to war and cannibalism. More recently scientist basically confirmed that was bullshit. They pointed out that the natives were very good at agriculture and wouldn't have done that. In the end, they concluded white people fucked them up by spreading disease and carrying a lot of them off to be slaves.

lol The white race has been a menace man, and they always try to explain their fucked up actions by painting others as savages.
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