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MONROE, La. - (4/18/2018) Imagine the surprise of coming home to find a stranger naked in your bathtub, eating your Cheetos. That's exactly what happened to a Monroe woman Tuesday night.

29-year-old Evelyn Washington is in the Ouachita Correctional Center, charged with simple burglary and criminal damage to property.

According to a police report from Monroe Police, a woman discovered Washington had broken into her home on Church Street, made herself comfortable, and helped herself to a snack Tuesday night (4/18/18).

The arrest report says Washington claims that an unknown man told her to break into the house.

Both the suspect and victim say they do not know each other.

The arrest report does confirm the presence of - "half eaten cheetos" - next to the tub where Washington was found.
How's VI anyways? I've been trying to get my wife on board with it in the event the move to Belize doesn't pan out. Knew a few cool ass cats from there.
Getting back to normal since the hurricane. If you move there you will have the tax advantages of living there. For the most part everything cool. But some things are Island specific so if you are planning let me know and we can have a deeper reasoning.
It's always a shame when you're talking to a girl that you know for a fact would be good for you... but can't conjure a fuck to give. Shit sucks.
This lil bitch ass nigga that works for me stays trying to snitch on me he doesn't know my boss tells me and we laugh about it each time. Today she asked me if I wanted her to take the knife out of my back and stab him with it.

I told her to chill tho. Dude lucky I'm not spiteful and that I only act petty online. Could just get em outta here but imma use him as a pawn for a bit then get em outta here. Chess nigga do you play it.
no story whatsoever

comes on, niggas is alive.....denzell falls thru, niggas is dead.......credits
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