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I am and that's not defending kids not dressed like you doing.

^^^ ole "I can count to potato" ass nigga.

Nigga talmbout kids not dressed but that wasn't even the fuckin picture. Retarded ass can't even get that shit right. How, exactly the fuck, do you look at a toddler with clothes on and see an undressed toddler? Only way possible is if you're a kid diddler living your truth right now.
Finally caught up.

I never saw a baby pic, regardless of gender, and thought anything other than "cute baby" or "ugly baby"

Idk how a baby picture makes someone uncomfortable.

Ill admit I didnt see the pic though
My son decided he wanted his ears pierced today

Spent $100 on my daugthers earrings

Probably gonna buy the baby a bracelet

I better get this fucking job yo
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