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The Bloodline Story


Acknowledge Moi
The majority of the WWE/Wrestling fanbase consider this story as arguably being the best storyline in pro wresting history

Its clear to me that HHH and creative have taken the MCU approach to storytelling with all characters and events “in universe” are all connected in some way

IMO Roman Reigns is the “anchor being” in this current universe/era he may not be the “main character” all the time but everything in this current era revolves around him and specifically the “Tribal Chief” character

I also look at the Seth Rollins betrayl that broke up The Shield as an “anchor event”

Like Bruce Waynes parents being murdered

Peter Parker’s uncle Ben being killed, etc

Also the way that everything everybody does actually MATTERS…no more vacuum stories actions have consequences…immediately or later down the road

Just wanted to discuss the storyline and its nuances and the overall state of WWE storytelling
MCU comparison is kinda accurate.

I mean if you look past their heel demeanor...Drew and KO have a legit point when speaking about the BL. I would include Seth...but Seth was the one who created the Roman Reigns monster. Says a lot about creative and how good of a job they've done. B/c they're got folks forgetting all the havoc the BL caused on that roster.

Fans being oblivious to the fact that Drew and KO got legit and factual reasons to feel the way they do.
And it was so perfect that Seth did it and not Dean because he had to leave and become moxley