bruh it sounds like nationalism. Black American descendants of slaves are the vast majority of the black people in America we don’t need a hash tag. We are the default. It’s like White Anglo Saxons making a hash tag and saying Irish and German Americans can’t be in it. What is ados doing specifically for us. It’s seems like division. And pointless because it’s not like other black groups have the power to hurt us or even care too.
how we supposed to be pro black but then say nah this ain’t your party. Even further we added slave to the name but we can’t include Caribbean and South American blacks. To me it seems like we asking to be catered to or made to feel more special.
and why we can’t just say African American? Does adding slavery add a lil extra pain to it to make it real.
my point is you say this is to differentiate from other groups but we like 95% of the black people. How this help us fight crackers?
You and I don't agree on much but on this we do... attempting to separate African Americans and African/Black Immigrants is silly, divisive and does more harm than good imo. It accomplishes NOTHING but more division that we can't afford to have