@AP21 can you please send @Dupacalypse $300 for me. They expecting a baby and I can't let them come home without diapers and a onsie
K cares!
@AP21 can you please send @Dupacalypse $300 for me. They expecting a baby and I can't let them come home without diapers and a onsie
K cares!
Matter a fact @AP21 take that amount up to whatever what's his face tried to send me to atone his sins. We gon start a college fund
I heart the Du's!!!
You are all terrible human beings :mf3:
I'll be waiting fam.That's how it's gonna be Kandy, I'll see you in the e streets when I get back on my feet. I don't forgive and I never forget
sorry it took so long. I was telling my son how to change his own oil in the random thoughts thread