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Actually....we won 4.2 some odd mil but ehh who's counting

The money, that don't mean shit, it's inconsequential. Certainly to me, and I wager with at least 2 of y'all (Du and Goldie). Y'all wanted to 'win'. Goldie had his reasons, you had ya reasons, Du had his reasons.

But.....you didn't. Take them e-bucks and buy you some dignity Lil Fish. You know what you couldn't buy this go round.....a W
Whatever you "won" is gone, that's fish food.

I mean, I raised 11mil and still couldn't buy Kandy affection so I don't know fellas, that money ain;t really help me much

Getting a W over Team Ruthless tho? 1 willing to put his own cash up to win a game? One that switched sides just to win a game? One that cooked the books just to play the game? Called in a Ringer to dead the game first day? One that had the Master plan to win the game?

Yeah.....this lil moment of aha! worth that what 3 mil and change I had sitting around. Buy yaselves bans and name changes on me fellas.

You deserve it
I mean, I raised 11mil and still couldn't buy Kandy affection so I don't know fellas, that money ain;t really help me much

Getting a W over Team Ruthless tho? 1 willing to put his own cash up to win a game? One that switched sides just to win a game? One that cooked the books just to play the game? Called in a Ringer to dead the game first day? One that had the Master plan to win the game?

Yeah.....this lil moment of aha! worth that what 3 mil and change I had sitting around. Buy yaselves bans and name changes on me fellas.

You deserve it
Trump need to give you that spicer job b, only you or du could spin a L like this into a "W"
So it's only a W if you win the game AND don't get robbed cause the other team in they feels?


You got it sport
That's what I don't get tho, who's in their feels? I legit didn't know the game was over. I've been absent from the game for the whole day basically and then I get on and see yall won on a tech but then lost all the winnings a few minutes later. From my perspective that's an L, you had it then you lost it, all in one day.

Won the battle only to lose the war, you don't deserve that screen name b.
That's what I don't get tho, who's in their feels? I legit didn't know the game was over. I've been absent from the game for the whole day basically and then I get on and see yall won on a tech but then lost all the winnings a few minutes later. From my perspective that's an L, you had it then you lost it, all in one day.

Won the battle only to lose the war, you don't deserve that screen name b.
Yeah, you right, cept the team game isn't called battles are they? They called wars...

And since the team gave over the war over. Ya mans gave everyone a 'L'. Kudos. I don't feel so bad about him taken....what...nothing from me because I gave my winnings to my teammates. So yeah.....big kudo's for taken nickles and dimes from folks that only had...nickles and dimes lol

Hey! Maybe he'll break you off some of those.....nickles and dimes....
He still in here trying to justify his L? lmaoo

If the prize of a game was to win a date with Beyonce and u go to pick her up, peek in the window and I got her like


Who won doggy?

Even in defeat, yall still trying to save face

It's commendable I suppose

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