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lmao they gonna evict Clarence Thomas tapdancing ass off SCOTUS
I've seen ppl suggest Biden should pull Chief Justice Roberts aside after the inaugruation like "looka here breh, either you and Clarence retire ASAP to cancel out that bullshit or I'm blowing up the court"
Some legal observers, including those who favor term limits, say they must be accomplished through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which has been interpreted as requiring life tenure for federal judges and justices.
The bill seeks to avoid constitutional concerns by exempting current justices from the 18-year rule. Those appointed under term limits would become “senior” upon retirement and rotate to lower courts.
Ehh decent argument
Report: Pentagon Brass Privately Discussing What To Do If Trump Invokes Insurrection Act
Top military brass have spoken privately about what to do should President Donald Trump order them into the streets as election results are tallied, The New York Times reported
Yall do it in a shaming "shut up and vote" waybruh folks in here been saying the same shit since this thread was started lol
Yall do it in a shaming "shut up and vote" way
She's legit trying to appeal to sensibility
And yall don't look like Kerry lol
If it didn't make a difference they wouldn't make it so hard for people that look like us to actually get out and vote(voter suppression, closing polling stations in black communities, Election Day not being a national holiday etc. )
A lot of times in life it's not what you say but how you say itAlso... since Kerry looks good the message is easier received...
but niggas was up in arms about the get your booty to the polls joint huh..