The “who comes first” discussion

What r ur thots on bein called daddy?

Don't have a daughter or a baby momma so wife first and mother 2nd. But if you put my son in the equation then I would to say him first.
now that I'm home and have a little bit of time I will spill some knowledge....

1. Husband/wife: You make a vows together and if you understand those vows you know that your spouse always comes first before everyone else so that together you can take care of...
2. Children: they are they extension of you and/or unity with you spouse, there for they will always come right directly behind the former. If either person has children not with the other they still fall right here at number 2 because they person you marry should still treat them as their own but with respect for the other parent.
3.Father/Mother: Du said it perfectly
cuz any self respecting Parent would raise their child to ALWAYS put his/her family's needs before theirs....
no parent should ever be that selfish to ever let their child neglect his/her family for them.....they lived their's time for the grown child to live their's...
(fix to fit both male and females.
4. Last but certainly not least or in any form of disrespect THE BM/BD: This might seem confusing and you might think well in order for the children to be number two BM/BD have to be before or after. NOT TRUE! A true BM to BD relationship is called co-parenting and this involves all parties that are in the child's life, including the wife or husband. The only important thing here is communication between all adults. I've seen BM and wives talk more on a regular bases simple because BM knows dad is doing his part and is comfortable and want to have communication with the wife as well. Basically in a mature world BM or BD understand the sanctity of marriage and will put aside all differences to raise the child.
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It would go my mom and that's it because none of these other things exist.

But my mom got a husband so that shit only go so far.
Would it be selfish for a person to say they put themselves first so as to enable them to be there for others??

Or is that some cop out shit
cuz any self respecting mother would raise her son to ALWAYS put his family's needs before hers....

no parent should ever be that selfish to ever let their son neglect his family for them.....they lived their's time for the grown child to live his...

Thread should'v been closed after this powerful post.
Wife, daughter, mom, baby mama
nothing more needs to be said...

this is the only choice.

if wifey aint first then why are you married?
you and wifey are there for your daughter.
you mom should know her place as the only mother a man will have and stay out the way of the wife.
BM...if she aint dying she needs no call. matter of fact she aint getting a call then either.