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OUT NOW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection

All those games are whatever. The big selling point is the online coop. That'll be big for the beatem ups. The SNES Tournament Fighters was pretty legit. Not sure if theres a big community for it like some retro fighters but aomething could happen there.

That being said this really isn't something that should be announced without a release date though. There can't be enough here that's worth anticipating "this year". It's literally a legacy collection with barely any new features outside
I think some of yall are right. I felt like playing the ninja turtles so I got a emulator. I did turtles in time. Lost on the dinosaurs level. If I would have bought the collection, I probably would have only played it once.
Six players at one time can definitely get messy especially when the enemies start swarming but if the X-Men Arcade game can do it, why not? Im definitely picking this up on release. Only problem is figuring out who imma start with. Might be Splinter since ive never played him in anything
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