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Breaking News TEDx Speaker Says Support Pedophiles and to "Break The Taboo"


It was only a matter of time before this started....

Little by little this will continue to happen. Link and article below.


A TEDx talk urging people to support paedophiles because they can get "lonely" has caused outrage.

US-based organisers are refusing to take it down from the group's YouTube page - where it has had almost 20,000 views - despite growing criticism.

Madeleine van der Bruggen works on child abuse investigations with the Dutch police

Campaigners and child abuse victims reacted furiously to the "dangerous" talk by. Dutch psychologist Madeleine van der Bruggen, who argues society needs to “break the taboo” surrounding paedophilia.

She said: “Most probably there will be someone in your environment, someone you know, someone like your neighbour, like your colleague, like your football mate, maybe even your husband or son who is struggling with these sorts of feelings.

“The only thing is you don't know about it…most of these people know that they have feelings that they should repress.

“But the problem is these people can't talk about their feelings because they know that they will be hated for it.

Madeleine van der Bruggen says that most paedophiles do not actually offend

The talk was organised by TEDx part of a non-profit that posts free talks online

“I truly do believe that every person is longing for love at some point in their life.

“And what if this love that you really wish for will forever be impossible?

“That must be a really lonely situation to be in.

“It’s like telling me, ‘We know that you love your boyfriend and we don't minimise that love, however you cannot act out on it ever.

“And on top of that you won't be able to talk about it with anyone.”

Van der Bruggen, who advises the Dutch National Police on child abuse investigations, argued paedophilia is a sexual orientation that people are born with and most paedophiles “do not offend”.

The video on YouTube starts with the introduction: 'World changing ideas grow from misbehaving beautifully'

Van der Bruggen says we need to stop being negative towards sex offenders

She added: “From an emotional point of view, I can kind of understand that you would want to eliminate these people from society.

“However, it doesn't make sense and that's because we're talking about biology.

“We're talking about a sexual orientation, something that we simply cannot change. They haven't done anything wrong.

“So rather than letting our emotions rule, please, let's be mature about this problem.

“Now, how can we break the taboo? Well, first of all, let's stop with hate.

Campaigner Matan Uziel has called for TEDx to remove the 'dangerous' video

TED said they had no plans to remove the video from YouTube

Child abuse campaigner Matan Uziel, who founded the Real Women Real Storiescampaign group, said: “In this twisted video, Ms van der Bruggen is trying to acclimatise people to paedophilia and weirdly and dangerously enough, TEDx allows it.

“Paedophilia is not merely a sexual orientation. It is a very serious psychiatric disorder.

“Children are always harmed by being involved in premature sex acts for which they are neither fully physically, mentally, or emotionally ready.

“I have been inundated with comments from victims of abuse who are angry and upset that TEDx allowed this to be aired.

“We are calling for TEDx to remove the video from their YouTube channel immediately.”
im not even gonna entertain that, but nice angle I must say lol

the brainy, free thinker side of people will eat this up

its the same argument some have with kids and alcohol or dirty words......which I admittedly agree with on some levels

shit like this makes me wonder if "old people" stay in their ways and train of thought on purpose to try to divert this kinda shit lol

like they could have been all for "progression" a long time ago but what if they knew?
I downloaded the TED talk app on my firestick but never watched one.

Anyone got any suggestions?
Its been on the table for a while now. I'm just curious to see how this all transpires.

But its definitely being brought up more frequently than it has been in the past.

Honestly, it's the chickens coming home to roost. The homosexual community opened up this can of worms when they pushed for gender identity disorder or be reclassified as gender dysphoria and then had all of it declassified as a mental disorder. Now pedos, who were once welcomed members of the homosexual community (i.e. NAMBLA), want the same thing for themselves.
Smh, if pedophiles start getting support then im gonna be that angry guy picketing outside all of their rallies.
its already big.....

its called nambla or something...shit been big with protection.

i cant rock with this..
None of this is surprising. The worst part is pushing for pedos to be accepted as normal is not even going to be the worst thing they are going to try to make acceptable.
When South Park did that episode a long ass time ago about NAMBLA, i thought there was no way in hell that shit could be real. Shit ended up being real af smfh.

I was the same way, saw that shit on South Park and laughed at it 'cause there was no way possible the shit was real. Then I found out that not only is it real, it's been around since the late 70's.
When South Park did that episode a long ass time ago about NAMBLA, i thought there was no way in hell that shit could be real. Shit ended up being real af smfh.
i did not beleive it when some dude used to tell us about it.....

but in the DR......its sick.
i always talk about it .....a few dudes was killed over it there.
all euros...

from what i heard
My post would have been completely different if i didnt watch the full 17 min video.

She never condoned it, and condemned pedophilia throughout the whole vid to the very end.

What im curous is what everyones interpretation on the actual vid is.

To me shes saying, some ppl are just born that way, most never act on it, those that do should face criminal justice, those that dont act on it but want to seek help to 'fix themselves' should be able to without being seen as a monster.

Bc she said something to the effect of, repressing these feelings while having to bottle up all their thoughts is probably causing many pedophiles to act on their feelings, whereas being able to get therapy would help them repress their feelings more healthily thus reducing actual pedophilic crimes being committed.

Someone hear it different?
Bc she said something to the effect of, repressing these feelings while having to bottle up all their thoughts is probably causing many pedophiles to act on their feelings, whereas being able to get therapy would help them repress their feelings more healthily thus reducing actual pedophilic crimes being committed.

Someone hear it different?

Here the thing. That last paragraph or so is a veiled attempt at pushing acceptance. There really isnt much of a grey area with this.

The issues is bringing to the discussion table to get these people "help" either legitimizes it as

1. A mental disorder


2. Sexual preference

So if that former is the route they are trying to go, they will eventually train this in the field of psychology to treat it as such. And as a consequence, you will see less of a reaction of disgust to it...
i did not beleive it when some dude used to tell us about it.....

but in the DR......its sick.
i always talk about it .....a few dudes was killed over it there.
all euros...

from what i heard

White folks always take their shit to other countries like that. Sometimes they get dealt with by the locals and when they do I just shrug like "Shouldn't have taken your nasty ass over there".