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Tavis Smiley Accused of Multiple Sexual Harassments


You Niggas Starvin 😂
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A report by an external investigator hired by PBS claims former talk show host Tavis Smiley spent decades engaged in sexual relationships with subordinates and guests on his show, and committed acts of verbal abuse, inappropriate touching, and made unwanted sexual comments.

The report was unsealed as part of legal documents filed in connection with ongoing lawsuits related to Smiley’s dismissal. The 500-page report on his alleged misconduct was filed by Smiley’s legal team as part of its breach of contract legal claims. PBS has countersued and asked for $1.9 million in production advances to be returned.

The report and legal actions stem from a 2018 decision by PBS to end its relationship with Smiley, who fronted the L.A.-produced late-night talker Tavis Smiley for nearly 14 years. PBS said in 2018 it had “uncovered multiple, credible allegations of conduct that is inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS.”

Smiley has denied all of the allegations, and claimed that he had stopped all consensual relationships with employees 10 years before the allegations surfaced. He also accused PBS of racial bias.

In a ruling Thursday, Smiley lost a bid to have PBS’s action tossed, arguing that the conduct they claim against him predated his current contact. D.C. Superior Court Judge Yvonne Williams disagreed, and said that PBS had also claimed more recent misconduct.

Among the allegations contained in the just-surfaced PBS report:

*** A former employee alleged that Smiley asked her to lunch, and then asked about her bra size, offering a trip to Victoria’s Secret at The Grove. The woman was eventually laid off from the show and was allegedly told that she “knew too much” about Smiley’s actions, according to the report.
So he was smashing co-workers & guest, I ain't see shit bout him forcing them, so.....


If he signed a contract saying he wouldn't engage in any sexual activities with employees and guest to the show......ah well

The only how I could see signing something so ludicrous is if he was married

Should have took that shit to Lot B and boom, problem solved