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'Tales From the Hood 2' files paperwork to film in New Orleans

caddo man

This may take awhile!
Get ready for more "Tales From the Hood." A sequel to the 1995 urban-set horror anthology has filed paperwork to shoot in Louisiana, with pre-production apparently already underway in New Orleans.

Original "Tales" director Rusty Cundeiff confirmed the shoot earlier this month when, as Bloody Disgusting reported, he shared a photo via Twitter with the message: "In New Orleans location scouting for Tales From The Hood 2. This is part of Anne Rice's old Home and where she held her LeStat parties."

That message was removed shortly thereafter and replaced with a much more vague message accompanied by an image of a killer doll from the original movie, suggesting Cundeiff might not have had authorization to announce the film. But according to a recent filing with the state, the production is gearing up to shoot on an estimated budget of $3.2 million, with $3 million of that being spent in-state, including $2.2 million of that earmarked for Louisiana payroll.

No cast or release date has been revealed, although -- given the recent success of director Jordan Peele's race-centered thriller "Get Out" -- the timing could be just right for a new "Tales From the Hood" and its blend of comedy, horror and social commentary.

The original "Tales From the Hood," which was executive-produced by Spike Lee, focused on three drug dealers who visit a funeral home to buy a batch of drugs that the funeral director said he found in an alley. As they walk through the home, the funeral director shares four macabre stories of recent clients.

Did not know Spike Lee produced that joint.
I JUST bought my lady the first one for her birthday (her request).

I remember how dope that shit was. One of the better horror movies I've seen. And most of themes were about the real black struggle: racism.

Of course, the last story linking black-on-black crime to the workings of the KKK was real as a muhfucker.

Glad they got Keith David for this. He's a spooky deep-voiced muhfucker. I still think Clarence Williams III is the GOAT in crazy actors, but K David is a great choice.
Damn i remember i had a homie that ran out of the theatre during the first movie. Lol. Cant wait to see this

Bruh still to this day the first one imo is the scariest shit I ever seen. Shit destroyed my childhood and I refuse to watch that shit now.


This shit got me ROLLIN'! LoLoLoL...

The original is hilarious!! Mad quotables throughout.... But u right tho, the trailer looks weak as phuck.
Bruh still to this day the first one imo is the scariest shit I ever seen. Shit destroyed my childhood and I refuse to watch that shit now.

This shit got me ROLLIN'! LoLoLoL...

The original is hilarious!! Mad quotables throughout.... But u right tho, the trailer looks weak as phuck.
Lol bruh I conquered every other film that scared me as a kid but this shit is just "diffrent" like shit felt too real. Like the three dude actors actually did die and burned in hell on camera. The cheesy graphics ALWAYS creeped me out more then jump scares and wack ass cgi.
Lol bruh I conquered every other film that scared me as a kid but this shit is just "diffrent" like shit felt too real. Like the three dude actors actually did die and burned in hell on camera. The cheesy graphics ALWAYS creeped me out more then jump scares and wack ass cgi.

When you put it like that, I get where you coming from bro. Although it's comedy sprinkled in the flick, the cinematography had an eerie feel to it and Clarence Williams the 3rd played the "hell" out of his part.

And to be real, I laughed hard as phuck b/c I imagined you being @KINGCOLD AKA SAPP homeboy running scared shitless outta the theater. LoL
When you put it like that, I get where you coming from bro. Although it's comedy sprinkled in the flick, the cinematography had an eerie feel to it and Clarence Williams the 3rd played the "hell" out of his part.

And to be real, I laughed hard as phuck b/c I imagined you being @KINGCOLD AKA SAPP homeboy running scared shitless outta the theater. LoL
Bruh fucking spice1 song with them haunting keys and demonic voice on it , and that damn musical score of the chants and fucking seeing black folks and images of them hanging as a kid FUCKED ME UP. Like imo we a need a new film for this generation that glorify guns and drigs and shit and show the dark side and repercussions of it and the satantic dark elements in living in sin. Like show it in the darkest and most brutal matter to scare these kids to not wanna be about that life.

Tales from the hood had me terrified of thuggin, and burning in hell for my crimes and sins and shit. Like we need some Immortal Technique --Dance with the devil type shit to fuck these young people up.