sza is a liar

I remember her being exposed for this little fiasco years ago. Welp, freckle removal through smash I guess 😂😂
Pretty sure us heterosexual men don’t care

This is dumb.

I wouldn’t date a woman that had fake freckles just like I wouldn’t date one that have a fake ass or her face done up.
This is dumb.

I wouldn’t date a woman that had fake freckles just like I wouldn’t date one that have a fake ass or her face done up.

Would you date a woman who wears hair extensions, weave or lace fronts?

How about fake nails?

Would you date a woman who wears high heels to make herself 4 inches taller than what she really is?

How about mascara, make up or eyeliner?

Her “freckles“ were just a beauty enhancement…quit being so judgmental. Women are always looking for ways to be more attractive. Some are outlandish such as plastic surgery, some are really just women wanting to put in an effort.

If a girl admitted she had work done on her ass I wouldn’t eliminate her from being a potential date. And I would encourage her not to lie about it because niggas who are around enough women can see through it

And how is my comment “dumb”? Because you disagree with it? That’s dumb in itself..
i love creating a thread and having all the niggas run to it like flies to shit 😂😂🤣😂🤣

race_jones = best poster alive
I watched a video a while back about all the things she's lied about. Just random small things that someone in high school would lie about. On one hand it doesn't matter, on the other I gotta ask why you're over 14 lying about shit like that