"Surviving Zuckerberg?" Facebook employees describe a 'cult-like' and 'ruthless' company culture


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Apr 4, 2017
Even performance reviews are subject to the supposedly "ruthless" culture at Facebook, employees allege.

At Facebook, getting an annual performance review in which you met "most expectations" could still lead to your dismissal from the company, according to recent story at Business Insider. Several employees had been given the axe by the Menlo Park-based giant after receiving such reviews, according to employees who spoke with Business Insider but who asked to remain anonymous in the story.

"Everything is quantified, and you're measured against everyone to a number," one former Facebook employee told Business Insider.

"I've never met anyone that's received two ['meets most' reviews] in a row that has continued on at Facebook," another former employee said.

In an emailed response to the Business Journal, Facebook spokesperson Anthony Harrison called the reports 'ludicrous,' adding that the company continually evaluates its performance review process. "To suggest that the experiences of a handful of disgruntled, anonymous employees speaks for everyone is ludicrous," Harrison stated. "We encourage open discussion, regular feedback, and honest conversation around what is and isn’t working at Facebook."

Still, Facebook employees can enjoy one major consolation: The median worker at the social media giant earns $240,430 per year — more than at any other Big Tech employer and $43,000 more than his or her peer at Google parent Alphabet Inc.
Former Facebook employees can get hired anywhere....cry me a river
The MEDIAN is six figures?


They better be meeting ALL expectations for real...that’s too much money to be an average ass worker g
But their employees are probably mostly white and according to white people these days, making 6 figures a year isnt that much money, it just makes you middle class and just getting by. Especially in NYC & Cali.
But their employees are probably mostly white and according to white people these days, making 6 figures a year isnt that much money, it just makes you middle class and just getting by. Especially in NYC & Cali.
thats because niggas making 6 now with no problems
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