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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

They some goofies who must be tryna lose. Like @BlackRain said, majority of the country supports pro choice policy. Why tf would they show their hand like that right before the midterms when ppl have already been turning out in droves to vote against abortion bans in red states.
Lindsey capitulates to his donors and voters in SC. He doesn’t care about his party, just that he wins. Look how fast he flip flops on shit. Jan 6th said he was done with Trump, then turns and kisses his ass at every opportunity. Definition of out for self.
Abortion, gay marriage and all this other bullshit back on the ballot is the reason why America fucking sucks.

This is the issue of having an adversarial political system within a democratic republic with a weak federal government.

These politicians really don't care about how the overall country is doing, they only care about their state.

What the Republicans are trying to do is make Klan governments within their state by subverting the federal government through the use of the court system.

So it doesn't really matter what people want or what people vote for, only thing that matters is the federal government being unable to protect it's citizens from the Klan governments that the Republicans set up.

Republicans understand how to build a proactive base by seizing control of institutions.

Republicans have an overwhelming influence over law enforcement, the church, the military. Republicans have the number one news show in the country.

Democrats dominate Hollywood and the Academy but those places are elitist silos. It's a refuge, where people eat up the liberal bullshit, say Latinx instead of Latino...you know meaningless bullshit.

Law enforcement, the church, the military...that's where you can impose your will, your message on to the masses.

Democrats try to win elections by being popular and shit... Republicans win elections by institution building and installing their people into key positions within society.

Democrats loss a long time ago, like in the 90s. Democrats stupidly just betted on America becoming a minority majority nation and immigrants voting Democrat consistently like we do.

While Republicans were out here building pipelines for conservative judges, building news network for Republican propaganda.

This is what happens when one party wants to rule and the other party just wants to be popular.
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Lindsey capitulates to his donors and voters in SC. He doesn’t care about his party, just that he wins. Look how fast he flip flops on shit. Jan 6th said he was done with Trump, then turns and kisses his ass at every opportunity. Definition of out for self.

Graham has been a senator since I was in the 3rd grade, I distinctly remember taking tests in social studies on local and state government and this mfs name being one of the test multiple choice answers.

And now I'm a dad of 2 teens with greys in my beard and mfs still continue to vote for this ole sassy bitch ass nigga.

Crackas ain't shit and are so easily fooled.