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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

no.......that's a actual lie being forced into the public BUT the real answer is that most abortions are from white women 1 and 2 the white race is and will be the minority soon and the government knows this. They're looking at surviving their race at all cost

I mean they could actually try and create a better society so the option ain’t used as much but that’s too good to be true
Simple numbers game.

They need more white female babies being born to have more white children. And need more white male babies to assume their roles of power in this fucked up system.

And if more black babies are born so be it. They'll just use us to keep their prisons filled or to keep wages low.

It's cynical as hell, but also true. Preserving their power by any means.

Dez from claws ding ding ding clip.gif
no.......that's a actual lie being forced into the public BUT the real answer is that most abortions are from white women 1 and 2 the white race is and will be the minority soon and the government knows this. They're looking at surviving their race at all cost

Thank you. lol Why is it so hard for people to look past Reps using Christianity to justify all the shit they do. Most of the time they bring up, Jesus, their points either have nothing to do with Jesus or are outright against Jesus' teachings. The Bible barely even mentions abortion let alone condemn it despite the fact that abortion was practiced even as far back as Biblical times. So, no the Reps are not against abortion because of Jesus.
I dont disagree with yall about them wanting to get their numbers up, but they been pulling this shit since roe v wade was passed and they were the comfortable majority. White conservatives are christian or some other Abrahamic religion and being anti abortion is just what they do. Yea they need numbers, but they need a constituency too.
I dont disagree with yall about them wanting to get their numbers up, but they been pulling this shit since roe v wade was passed and they were the comfortable majority. White conservatives are christian or some other Abrahamic religion and being anti abortion is just what they do. Yea they need numbers, but they need a constituency too.

They've been worried about being replaced forever though. The whole "Great Replacement Theory" isn't new. It's been one of the KKK leaders' talking points for a long time. They've always been about preventing miscegenation and refraining from anything that would lower white birth rates because their goal is to keep the white population strong and pure.

Christianity is just their catch-all excuse to do the shit they do because most of them are too cowardly to just come out and say what their real goals are.
They've been worried about being replaced forever though. The whole "Great Replacement Theory" isn't new. It's been one of the KKK leaders' talking points for a long time. They've always been about preventing miscegenation and refraining from anything that would lower white birth rates because their goal is to keep the white population strong and pure.

Christianity is just their catch-all excuse to do the shit they do because most of them are too cowardly to just come out and say what their real goals are.
I dont disagree with yall about them wanting to get their numbers up, but they been pulling this shit since roe v wade was passed and they were the comfortable majority. White conservatives are christian or some other Abrahamic religion and being anti abortion is just what they do. Yea they need numbers, but they need a constituency too.
Long before Roe vs Wade there was Eugenics.....

Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” which gained popularity during the early 20th century. Eugenicists worldwide believed that they could perfect human beings and eliminate so-called social ills through genetics and heredity

The Nazi's ran with this ideology and the US's Slavery/Jim Crow to keep white's the main race but failed. Then Roe vs Wade came along and let little white girls have an abortion then Black/Brown people started multiplying in masses. They knew this so they threw the only thing sheep oops I mean people care more about that than almost anything into the ring and that is religion. So RoevWade gets attacked by the so called religious goofy's
That may not be true.
Was looking something else up recently and came across these 2019 stats for abortion.
I was surprised to see that black women were getting abortions more than any other group.

View attachment 831514

All true.........percentage-wise.

Thing is, there are more white women than black women.

White women are actually the largest demographic in this country.

So, in terms of actual numbers, a smaller percentage of white women getting abortions is still going to outnumber a larger percentage of black women getting abortions.
That may not be true.
Was looking something else up recently and came across these 2019 stats for abortion.
I was surprised to see that black women were getting abortions more than any other group.

View attachment 831514

All true.........percentage-wise.

Thing is, there are more white women than black women.

White women are actually the largest demographic in this country.

So, in terms of actual numbers, a smaller percentage of white women getting abortions is still going to outnumber a larger percentage of black women getting abortions.
I was going to say what @deadeye said
People that are against abortion are weird. Humans been getting rid of unwanted babies since the beginning of time. We actually gotten more civilized at it.

We used to leave a baby outside to die or get saved someone.

Now we nip it in the bud before the baby is even due.

What's better? A non-existent child or an unwanted one.

The real reason why Republicans are against abortion is because they believe life is worth living no matter the situation.

This life-positive idea that only exist in Abrahamic religions and super capitalist nations like ours. How many times your momma told you you owe her because she "gave you life" while not acknowledging she gave you suffering and death as well.

Every crib is a casket.

We can go to any project, trailer park, shit hole town in America and see life is definitely not worth living there. You can tell by the lack of investment in schools, infrastructure, culture, that nobody gives a fuck.

To live is to suffer and die, there is no avoiding it. At least give children a chance to not suffer and die on top of being unwanted, but people are crazy and deluded.

They rather have a million poor or/and unwanted children than none at all. That's insanity.
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Weird question, because I'm old enough to remember when most people were against abortion in principle. Not necessarily against the option, but the actual practice of it. Christians and Muslims are against abortions, well those who actually follow their faith. Pretty easy to see why. I think if a woman is raped or health is at risk, most understand abortion. But society has fallen off a cliff and many get abortions for non-serious reasons.

Should point out that this issue started in the late 1800s with the white liberal eugenics crowd, and we know the origins of PP and who that was targeted at. Margaret Sanger literally pushed the "negro project" and spoke with the KKK about "the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks".

Whatever it takes to keep the white majority even at the cost these women will struggle raising kids.
This ain't it. 28% of abortions are by black mothers, and 25% are by Latina mothers. Only 39% of abortions are by white mothers. Abortion has always been largely targeted at us.
People that are against abortion are weird. Humans been getting rid of unwanted babies since the beginning of time. We actually gotten more civilized at it.

We used to leave a baby outside to die or get saved someone.

Now we nip it in the bud before the baby is even due.

What's better? A non-existent child or an unwanted one.

The real reason why Republicans are against abortion is because they believe life is worth living no matter the situation.

This life-positive idea that only exist in Abrahamic religions and super capitalist nations like ours. How many times your momma told you you owe her because she "gave you life" while not acknowledging she gave you suffering and death as well.

Every crib is a casket. The stork brings the Grim Reaper with him.
Nothing weird about valuing life. it's better to be born than to be unborn, period.

We can go to any project, trailer park, shit hole town in America and see life is definitely not worth living there. You can tell by the lack of investment in schools, infrastructure, culture, that nobody gives a fuck.

To live is to suffer and die, there is no avoiding suffering and death. At least give children a chance to not suffer and die and on top of being unwanted, but people are crazy and deluded.

They rather have a million poor or and unwanted children than none at all. That's insanity.
This is literally what white racist eugenics have pushed for 100 years. Pretty sure those of us who didn't grow up with a lot of material wealth, still value our lives. White society has people thinking money is your worth, it's not. We're on a forum build around an industry where most artists grew up in these circumstances and thrived.

No one living should be looking down their noses at others being born.