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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

@deadeye you seem to be enjoying this a lil too much bruh

I am.........but not in the way that you think.

Just sitting back and enjoying all the tears.

Other than that, I don't care one way or another.

Granted, I have my opinions about the situation......but I don't really care about it.
Ghetto ass country lol.

A complete and total embarrassment for a developed nation.

Got these silly ass conservative Christian tax evading forcing people to have children. Yet the same motherfuckers don't wanna pay for social services or even fucking public school. Don't even want to have a minimum wage.

But they supposed to care about the lives of children.

These bitches can't even institute a fucking coherent gun bill.

The moral contradictions of motherfucking conservatives and the conservative nature of this hellhole of a country is repulsive.

My contempt for America grows each day.

It's a fucking disgrace.

I can't stand it.
These Conservative Republican fucks are trying to turn this country into Handmaid's Tale fantasy into a reality.
White Women threw their gender under the bus with no fucks given sheesh

White women didn't throw their gender under the bus.

The difference between White women and Black women and Latinas in America is that they actually have men in their lives that they revere, honor and extract material resources from and those men lead and run shit.

It is in their best interests to support conservatives legislation and they have supported conservative interpretations of progressive legislation.

Lol shit, the only reason why they wanted the vote was because Black men were getting it and they saw themselves as stewards of the nation.

White women's interest is White men's interests.

When their fathers, grandfathers, sons and uncles are leaders in their community and they passing down wealth to the White women in their lives, they ain't fucking that up over some bullshit ass notion of gender solidarity.

All that shit is cap and been cap since the beginning of feminism.

White women just wanted their fair due and cut. Who looked after the slaves when master was gone? Who managed the family when the men left for the Americas looking for gold? White women were ride or die.

Lol White women has convinced other races of women to be see themselves separate from their men when they clearly themselves as a part of the White family.

It's not about men vs. women or what men want or what women want. It's about what is best for families as families are the microsom of a nation.
its conservatives, moderates, liberals dems etc wake tf up

also the US needs international election observers asap.
The difference between White women and Black women and Latinas in America is that they actually have men in their lives that they revere, honor and extract material resources from and those men lead and run shit

you be talking out your ass.

white women invest in whiteness/white supremacy because it affords them certain privilages their gender does not. simple.

sick of these dr umar dumbass talking points
read a book
you be talking out your ass.

white women invest in whiteness/white supremacy because it affords them certain privilages their gender does not. simple.

sick of these dr umar dumbass talking points
read a book

No, white women understand the benefits of having a patriarchy and they understand that the White men in their lives give them material benefits and it is in their best interests to go along with their men instead of grovelling at the bottom.

Lol like I said, gender solidarity is a con and it's cap.

When these old ass boomer White men die and all their money is going to their daughters and granddaughters, you will get it.

America is gonna be really conservative. It's already started.

And all that goofy ass feminism shit is gonna turn into White women running shit with their White men in their White families and telling other races women to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Capitalism is wonderful.

Their families are gonna be intact. Their wealth is going to continue to be passed down through the generations. While everyone is fragmented and broken.

It's already like that and it's gonna be worse.

Lol continue reading and listening to that goofy ass gender theory shit that doesn't follow real life and how families and wealth works.
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