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would be a missed opportunity if they dont have a will reading scene and at some point the lawyer reads "fuck off" in some kinda way
You know he changed that will soon as he left karaoke. Kerry fina get everything
This is my favorite ep of the season thus far.

Kendall holding onto that "piece of paper" cuz it's a tangible way for him to know what Logan actually thought of him. All these kids ever wanted was their dad's approval and kendall got a confirmation that at some point, Logan fucked with him.

Roman was already on the books as COO and Shiv went from top 10 to not mentioned at all lmaoooo

Tom was pathetic goin from person to person to suck up to. I wonder if Greg will hold him down now that he up.
Another episode in which I could feel something for every character.....WELL MAYBE NOT EVERY CHARACTER BUT every uncomfortable moment and bitter sweet victory. It made me think about how everyone should have their affairs in order so there's no second guessing and wondering.
They were just trying to run Pearce together but when it comes to ATN the siblings lose all common sense. The boys fucked up, they should bring Shiv in and they all should run the company together.

I'm amazed shiv is keeping that baby and hasnt told tom.
Might be the best episode of the series so far.

The whole episode was:

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Shiv has been fucked over too many times in this show to not end up on top at the end.
Bet money she’s going to get to Mattson and he’s going to only do the deal if she’s made CEO.

If not that, she’s definitely going to fuck some shit up. She’s not going down quietly.

I think it really hit her when he said in 6-8 months they’ll pull her in, knowing she’ll be in the late stages of pregnancy by then. They will not be inclined to pull in a 9-months pregnant Shiv.
Karl didn’t have to bomb on Tom like that lol

Send his ass back to Minnesota he’s useless now. Idc if he is shiv BD
But he was right…. This entire episode were truth bombs all over the place

Kendall telling Shiv she s not qualified enough and wouldn’t be there if it was nt for pops


U already mentioned dude shitting on Tom….

Roman telling Tom he sees him for exactly what he is

A bunch of come to Jerusalem moments this episode
Thing is I don't think shiv actually wants to run the company. She wants her name on something in an official capacity. That piece of paper symbolizes to her that Logan didn't love her. And now the boys are doing the same by not having her officially be part of the takeover. Ether.
One of the funniest parts was Willa and Marcia. Ho recognize ho lol
