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strange family dynamic growing up.

roi baptiste

Active Member
i grew up with both of my parents.... my father would work long ahifts...... my mother would deal out the majority of my ass whoopings/punishments... can anybody else relate?
in most households (with 2 stable parents) the father usually handles the punishments is the point i'm trying to make..

My pops pretty much never put hands on us.

Mama dished out most of the ass whoopins.

I think my pops was smart enough to know he woulda probably seriously hurt somebody... He had a real bad temper.

I thought most kids got beatings from their mothers.
Homie is Haitian. It doesn't shock me that he thinks this is out of the ordinary. And that not a diss to Haitians at all.
You’re mother handed out the punishment and you have an underlying issue with women going off other posts you’ve made.

step into my office and have a seat on the couch.

You’re mother handed out the punishment and you have an underlying issue with women going off other posts you’ve made.

step into my office and have a seat on the couch.


Didn't you walk in on your mom topping mans on Christmas morning?

If you ask me you 2 need to sit down on that seat together. It's enough room.

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