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Comedy. Like everybody else I was watching thia shit like, welo somebody bout to stop this nigga.

I think it was Tariq. Him staying behind makes sense and didnt ghost do some shit like that?
Comedy. Like everybody else I was watching thia shit like, welo somebody bout to stop this nigga.

I think it was Tariq. Him staying behind makes sense and didnt ghost do some shit like that?

I think Tariq did it because he gave Ghost 2 chances to change his mind like Ghost said he gave Breeze

Tariq don't even like Ghost so IDK why he was even at that party anyway other than some slimy shit.
That’s how The Who shot JR shit ended

No JR's sister in law/mistress shot him

You're thinking of the another dallas character,bobby who got ran over by a car then at the end of the season it was all a dream

That's one of ,if not the event that made the "it was all a dream" trope hated
No JR's sister in law/mistress shot him

You're thinking of the another dallas character,bobby who got ran over by a car then at the end of the season it was all a dream

That's one of ,if not the event that made the "it was all a dream" trope hated
U know what I meant lol
this show has gone fully telenovela with this "who shot mr burns" episode! lol

the writing was sooo terrible....I'm surprised omari ain't say during the reading "hey court, not to speak out of turn...but this ain't like ghost to be shitting on people just for the sake of it. also this repetitive "who gon' stop me haaa!" kanye shit ain't the wave baby!"

it's like they missed a whole scene in the editing with the tommy cameo smh

to the main topic....
anyways someone said earlier, the killer was one of the people in "red" at the end, well then it can only be:


or dun dun dun.....ghost!

maybe ghost killed himself (or set himself up for the kill) because he knew sooner or later, things were gonna catch up with him and he wanted to go out on top and in the best possible light.

but being realistic, you'd think it was either dre or tariq.
dre keeps getting fucked over repeatedly by ghost to either get killed or locked up for mad time. plus ghost ain't gonna see him coming as he thinks dre's already locked up.
tariq is on some kylo ren shit...he needs to kill his pops to go fully into the darkside. the convo between ghost and tariq about breeze, then the one with kanan and how ghost said to him that he couldn't get tariq to turn on him, made it seem like heavy foreshadowing for tariq to pull the trigger....plus now there's a real strong motive for tariq to do so, his freedom.

everyone else red on that list seems unrealistic and too far-fetched...but hey this power

throwing some crazy theories out there in true "power spirit"

Yaz st patrick: they made it a who shot mr burns episode right? Well why not the baby of the family. her motive for doing it is she feels neglected by her parents, i mean ghost would rather see a ghost of his dead daughter than pay attention to his living one. so yaz had enough! that day she was at day care wit tasha when she stumbled upon some blow in her mother's purse. with that super high, she took tasha's gun and decided to show ghost what's what. she was on her marlo shit "my name is my name....dad!"

Elisa Marie Proctor: she found the recording and piecing everything together, she realised her dad, mom, and uncle benny would have all been alive if not for her dad starting to work with ghost. she decides to pull-up and avenge her fam...she's got nothing to lose, EMP in the cut and that's a scary sight!

old dude uncle gabe: hadn't seen jamie in a loooong time until he walked in, wanting to buy his joint. never wanted to sell the place but figured he wasn't gonna fuck with a dope dealer and suffer the same fate like his friend and jamie's father did...that's wisdom from learning off other people's fuck ups. so he feigned interest in selling the place, then sent some OG hitters to take out ghost when he met up with tommy. seeing that didn't go to plan, he decided to pay him a personal visit and jamie seeing an old familiar face, didn't think anything of it....so ended up getting popped off

SR0 2876: there was a car with the following licence plate and with reddish interior that seemed to be following ghost after his conference speech. probably something will come out of it, but for now.....they shot him up

Q: he still ain't get to smash tasha yet, and niggas are prone to do some dumb shit for a bit of pussy. he shot ghost up in the club just so that he could shoot tasha's club up....#bars

Effie: girl from tariq's private school that was running drugs with him. she's gonna make a comeback at some point, why not on this BS
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I'm not ruling out the possibility that Ghost did it to himself.

I don't see how they carry through the rest of the season without their most important character and best actor.

Regardless, I'm willing to bet he's not dead just in critical condition.
I'm not ruling out the possibility that Ghost did it to himself.

I don't see how they carry through the rest of the season without their most important character and best actor.

Regardless, I'm willing to bet he's not dead just in critical condition.
I agree, layed up in the hospital half dead but hell eventually find out and kill whoever did it, plus if you was gonna kill off youre most important character you wait till the final episode, and also no reason as to why he couldnt survive considering what that nigga kanan lived through lol