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Added to Calendar: 06-07-24, 09-06-24

Tasha in witness protection w/o her kids and if she pop out, Tommy going kill her

cant really be mad at that. She wanted the gangsta lifestyle, she got the gangsta ending

it broke her heart to hear Tariq call himself a killer

she told that boy do what he had to do to get her out and then wanted to be concerned for his well being once she was out. Ghost tried and tried to tell her it don’t work that way

she was envious of Ghost and sunk the whole ship from the inside. “why would I ever 50/50, you ain’t half of me“

and I ain’t giving him a pass, he a sucka for letting her do it but he been traded in his honor when he set Kanan up
Tariq and Van Alden (Boardwalk Empire) sure can talk their way out a situation when they got the burner to they noggin

Milgram and / or Zeke are going to get gunned up and clapped quick next season......it might be someone from the Tejadas that does it

Riley, Sax and Method Man are going to be on Riq's heels next season.....he needs to lay low but Monet won't let him

Sax stay getting sonned to Bolivia in these courtroom scenes.....shit still makes me laugh out loud when they show Ott with the "WTF was that" face

Jabari's handwritten notes and laptop files will probably be found by Milgram / Zeke

If Jabari's body ever comes up, Tariq is going to be the number one suspect because he was the last person that was seen by the detective

Tasha was looking delicious in that red dress and when she went to see Monet
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MJB saying to Tariq at the end of the episode "come on the family waiting" seems like something that is really going to be big next season cause that was out of line for how she carried shit the whole season with Tariq.

I got a lot of shit to say about Cane and he and his family interacts but I don' feel like typing shit. Long story short both sides are fucked up in how they deal with each other

Somebody got to kill her. It can be in a car crash for all I care.

I don't care if she lives or dies.

In terms of the show they've kind of made her look like a victim from how it all started. Some people remember she told Ghost to keep his word keep being the biggest drug dealer in NY instead of going legit but they've kinda rehabbed her from all that.

So I say that to say I don't have them killing her.
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is tate still having a show ?

Supposedly, but I think that shit's gonna flop.

Tate's show was supposed to be Book 4: Influence..........and Tommy's show was supposed to be Book 5: Force.

Well, they bumped Influence to Book 5 and Bumped Force up to Book 4.

They must have realized the show might lose momentum if they go from Kanan's story to Tate's, so they figured it'd be better to go from Kanan to Tommy instead.

Honestly, Tate really shouldn't even have his own show since he wasn't an original character.

Wouldn't be surprised if it gets shelved altogether for something else.
Nah, but he might be on the spectrum though.

Mildly autistic or some form of Aspergers maybe.

Everybody is making fun of his acting but I think he actually did a really good job if you consider his character and how he's been portrayed. Think back to when he was first introduced. He was the cool ass athlete who was always confident when he spoke but he knew his lane.

The last few episodes we saw who Zeke really is on the inside. he's just like the majority of niggas IRL who are around the game but aren't really in it. Niggas who know people that are in that life but they're not really in that life. They're the type of people who are always a cousin away or a big brother away from really being in some shit.

Zeke doesn't put in work nor does his family bring him around that part of the family business. They're protecting him from it for his own good. he knows how they get down but he doesn't really know because he's not in the shit everyday. So when you see him at the parties and walking around like a big shot life is good for him because he knows he got his shit together and if there's any static his family got him.

Now when shit actually hit the fan with him and his family wasn't there he didn't know how to handle it because he's not really bout that life.

So the way he sounded talking to Tariq might've sounded funny to niggas who were watching but anybody that's ever been in that life or really seen the business knows that everybody ain't built for this shit. Zeke clearly isn't. he went from being the big man on campus that had his family taking care of everything to being thrust into some real shit. It's not fair to expect a nigga as green as Zeke to maintain his composure throughout the whole process.

The difference between a Zeke and Tariq is their exposure. Zeke has never truly been exposed to that life. Tariq has. Even before Tariq really seen some shit he was in on his parents conversations. he knew something was up. Zeke probably never even held a gun. Remember that scene a few seasons ago when Tariq pulled that gun on Dre? he got all in his shit and he said he was gonna pop him on sight. Zeke would never do that. That's why he sounds like a fumbling, bumbling ass nigga.