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Spin-off: Men who approach you cos you’re sexy, then want you to stop being sexy cos they lock you down


Active Member
Are you out yo damn minds? You are attracted to hos but don’t want me to unleash my inner ho cos you know other men like that shit? How about you get some self-esteem? If you was hot shit, your girl wouldn’t be tempted to leave you. Yeah… I said it. So what’s up!

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Are you out yo damn minds? You are attracted to hos but don’t want me to unleash my inner ho cos you know other men like that shit? How about you get some self-esteem? If you was hot shit, your girl wouldn’t be tempted to leave you. Yeah… I said it. So what’s up!

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Crazy enough I just posted in the KeKe thread about this and you made my point for me
Are you out yo damn minds? You are attracted to hos but don’t want me to unleash my inner ho cos you know other men like that shit? How about you get some self-esteem? If you was hot shit, your girl wouldn’t be tempted to leave you. Yeah… I said it. So what’s up!

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Good point so your man should go to the spot where he met you and continue to flirt with other sexy women
Like it’s so insecure you wonder if these men ever felt loved by their parents cos otherwise they’d realise how unattractive they look being all jealous and controlling
I can see how your perception of it is the actions of an insecure person. Do you think that you being so readily dismissive of a man’s feelings is a microcosm of how the world reacts to a man’s feelings which is why he is so protective of his feeling and combative to things that may hurt his feelings? Like someone taking his woman or his woman seeking the attention from another man.
I can see how your perception of it is the actions of an insecure person. Do you think that you being so readily dismissive of a man’s feelings is a microcosm of how the world reacts to a man’s feelings which is why he is so protective of his feeling and combative to things that may hurt his feelings? Like someone taking his woman or his woman seeking the attention from another man.
Look, I get that it’s tough for men just as it is for women, albeit in some very different ways and, in some similar ways too. But if a man feels insecure he should express it. If he needs assurance, he should express it. Where men get it wrong is crossing that boundary and saying I’M feeling insecure so I get to control what you do. That is a hard no. Relationships are not about controlling others so you can feel good about yourself. In the same way a man would not tolerate a woman saying, “I feel insecure when you go out with your boys at night so I don’t want you going out at night.”

Men need to learn how to pick women. This is at the heart of it. The same men complaining 24/7 about ain’t shit women don’t know how to act when they get with a good woman with a good head on her shoulders cos they have not done the work to heal and grow and deal with their trauma. If you get with a good woman and you have done the work to heal your damn self then you won’t feel the need to control what a woman wears. And, if you feel insecure you’ll be vocal to her about your need for assurance and know you can trust her to handle it, assure you and still be down for you. Men handle it ALL wrong then when women clap back their answer is “ThE mAtRiaRcHy”

I know plenty of women who don’t dress sexy AT ALL who cheat and sleep around. So all this controlling is not even logical and shows it is coming from an emotionally immature place rather than a place of rationality.

As a woman, I only date hot men who take care of their bodies cos I do the same. I’m not insecure cos if he wants to cheat then idgaf. That’s why I take care of myself. I’ll replace him soon enough.
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How is that a reach? If you can continue to dress sexy then he can continue to flirt with sexy women isn’t that how you attracted him? Isn’t that how you met him? What’s the problem?

A realistic comparison is him dressing up, working out, putting effort into his looks so when he goes out women are checking him out too. But since most men don’t bother doing just that, they then pour all this energy on controlling their woman cos she puts effort into her appearance. Ask any hot guy out there and they’ll tell you women are all over them 24/7. I have had hot guy friends and seen it with my eyes. So really guys who get mad and jealous just tell on themselves that women are not checking for them 🤣
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A realistic comparison is him dressing up, working out, putting effort into his looks so when he goes out women are checking him out too. But since most men don’t bother doing just that, they then pour all this energy on controlling their woman cos she puts effort into her appearance. Ask any hot guy out there and they’ll tell you women are all over them 24/7. I have had hot guy friends and seen it with my eyes. So really guys who get mad and jealous just tell on themselves that women are not checking for them 🤣
That’s a completely different thing altogether but iiwii

Approaching somebody that’s doing single type behavior (dressing a certain way) and wanting them to tone it down because you’re in a relationship is all fair.
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Approaching somebody that’s doing single type behavior (dressing a certain way) and wanting them to tone it down because you’re in a relationship is all fair.
Which gets to the root of the matter. Men think all women dress up just for their attention. It’s completely narcissistic. Everything all
Women do on this Earth is not in pursuance of making men’s dick happy. We tend to have our own goals and purposes that don’t revolve around men, as hard as that is to believe.
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Approaching somebody that’s doing single type behavior (dressing a certain way) and wanting them to tone it down because you’re in a relationship is all fair.

There is nothing wrong with this thought process. There is also nothing wrong with the 'She was dressing provocatively when we met so why would I expect her to change that?' thought process.

The problem is that stupid ass people on the internet don't understand that both thought processes are valid and stupid as couple get serious without ever communicating with one another about which thought process they believe in. It happens with MAD different things in relationships. There is no one 'right' way to do it and if both people would understand that and actually make it a point to discuss shit like this, we could avoid all the stupid shit.

But naw, that sort of emotional intelligence is rare these days. Shit is frustrating.
I went outside with a tank top on and kept getting hit on by old ladies at the supermarket