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Southern Pastor removes young woman’s panties & puts “healing” panties on her to supposedly help her

Happened in my country

Pastor fucked a married chick seeking a child... And many more off kilter shit

Now do we blame the 'pastors' or the naivety of people who attend these so called places of worship? Gullibility is not an excuse bruh

Also in my country starting churches is a get rich scheme for niggaz... Easy

Shocking footage has been released out of Birmingham, Alabama, that clearly shows a pastor using his influence for all the wrong reasons. In the video, a woman is coerced by the unnamed pastor to take off her underwear and exchange them for a pair of "prayer panties," that the pastor says he must directly put on himself.

"You sure it's going to stop me from being a ho," the lady is heard asking the pastor, before complying with very specific instructions while being told to trust the process. "Now by me touching them," the pastor explained, "and by me helping you put them on, this will help so, you just keep that in mind."

Before the video cuts off, you hear the pastor loudly command to "ALLOW ME to pull them up." Now that the damning footage is quickly spreading online, it's likely law enforcement will be involved soon.

The “Man of God” is from Birmingham AL...
It has got to be fake. The man is wearing a robe made out of crown royal bags. What type of people would go to a church with the pastor wearing something like that?

I would hope people are not this impressionable. Unfortunately the more i type the more i realize there are alot of folks that are super impressionable


when the last time u visited your cousins down south brah?

they be struggling and trying to out do each other to please the pastors down here

I've never seen any other LIVING MALE receive flowers on the regular
It has got to be fake. The man is wearing a robe made out of crown royal bags. What type of people would go to a church with the pastor wearing something like that?

I would hope people are not this impressionable. Unfortunately the more i type the more i realize there are alot of folks that are super impressionable

Eddie Long used to preach in his church wearing muscle shirts. And his church stayed packed. A Crown Royal robe might be divine.
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I still don't think this shit real lol
I can believe it. A lot of kids are raised not to question or argue with authority/adults. They may feel inside and know it's wrong but submit because they dont feel they can withdraw from the situation. There is a paradox where some people revert to a child like obedience when in the presence of authority or positions of power.
I can believe it. A lot of kids are raised not to question or argue with authority/adults. They may feel inside and know it's wrong but submit because they dont feel they can withdraw from the situation. There is a paradox where some people revert to a child like obedience when in the presence of authority or positions of power.
I'm sorry, I'm not buying there is a pastor with a robe made from crown Royal bags
exactly.....mix that with a little ignorance and false hope

people will go for anything
It has got to be fake. The man is wearing a robe made out of crown royal bags. What type of people would go to a church with the pastor wearing something like that?

I would hope people are not this impressionable. Unfortunately the more i type the more i realize there are alot of folks that are super impressionable

Bruh its just purple yall never seen a purple robe