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South Carolina Mega Church Pastor Defends Gifting Wife A $200K+ Lambo...

I'm not religious but I'd want my priest to be solely focused on the church. Even assumin' he got his money in a way which isn't morally reprehensible (near enough impossible since Christians are taught to be charitable), I'd still disapprove
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Are y’all upset because y’all believe in the church?

If so you can’t judge and god will have the finally say so you shouldn’t throw stones.

According to the church shit though.
If there are no needie people in his congregation then I have no problem, but I doubt that that is the case.

I would feel away that if I was giving 10% of my 35k salary and my pastors
Wire is riding a lambo truck.
Are y’all upset because y’all believe in the church?
that's all there is to it....

this one you can't call foul...

if someone is making money outside the church, like through books and tv shows....

and that's the money he uses, then that's all good..

ESPECIALLY if he's paying 10% of his outside earnings to his church tithes as well.....
ive said before, people want it both ways..

they want to accuse church folk of being over judgmental towards regular every day people

but then they hold them to a higher standard than regular every day people

if i was writing books and had tv shows, and with those earnings i could afford to buy my wife a nice car.....there shouldn't be anything wrong with it....

but if he's taking money that's supposed to be going to the church and the community, then he dead ass wrong....

it's really that simple.....but folk ain't never gonna see it that way cuz they don't wanna see it that way...

they just want everyone involved in the church to be wrong on everything they do no matter what.....

most the people in this thread think homie dead ass wrong, and don't even care to hear the facts
ive said before, people want it both ways..

they want to accuse church folk of being over judgmental towards regular every day people

but then they hold them to a higher standard than regular every day people

if i was writing books and had tv shows, and with those earnings i could afford to buy my wife a nice car.....there shouldn't be anything wrong with it....

but if he's taking money that's supposed to be going to the church and the community, then he dead ass wrong....

it's really that simple.....but folk ain't never gonna see it that way cuz they don't wanna see it that way...

they just want everyone involved in the church to be wrong on everything they do no matter what.....

most the people in this thread think homie dead ass wrong, and don't even care to hear the facts

Priests shouldn't be held to k a higher standard than your average nig?
Priests shouldn't be held to k a higher standard than your average nig?
Priests are in catholic cathedrals, and pastors preside over their own church, but the only standard one could reasonably hold any of them to is one of honesty and transparency....which i feel everyone should be held to.. but if you start to see them as better or more honorable than the average person just because of their title.... then that in itself is a problem.....

i can't take a person seriously if they think they're better than me.....they have to admit that they are the same as me, they just try harder, and show me how they try.....a pastor should gain respect through his example, not his title....and int he caseof this pastor, all i ask from homie is honesty and transparency .....as long as he's tithing with his outside income, and he's not using church funds to support his lifestyle....i see no issue with him getting a wifey a car
You might think this benign but who buyin' them books. No matter which may you look at it, he usin' his position to make crazy gwup.
bruh, it is a profession..... a trained profession

these dudes are no different than professors....they study text and give lectures in front of crowds

do we critique professors for writing books based off of their knowledge or theories on a specific subject?
bruh, it is a profession..... a trained profession

these dudes are no different than professors....they study text and give lectures in front of crowds

do we critique professors for writing books based off of their knowledge or theories on a specific subject?

Priests are very different from professors because of what the text they are studyin' is claimin' to be godly, and priests teach that it is. You have to hold priest to a higher moral standard than regular folk because the text he's teachin' from makes difficult demands of those who believe in it.

Would Jesus approve of this gift to priest's wife? I don't think he would.

Although, to be honest, since I started this response I've realised I don't have as much against your point as I thought. Maybe we shouldn't expect more from priests than a regular person. I dunno, seems kinda strange to me
. You have to hold priest to a higher moral standard than regular folk because the text he's teachin' from makes difficult demands of those who believe in it.
that's fundamentally faulty, and the reason why many people go astray...

if you truly believe your priest/pastor is morally/spiritually above you... how could they ever relate to you???

it's like the belief that an A+ student is just smarter so the work is easier to them....

a leader needs to be like the team.

He needs t be imperfect. He needs to be humble. I need to know that he's subject to the exact same weaknesses that i am. When you believe that he is like you, then it's much easier to believe that what he is speaking is from experience.

How can you tell me how to get through my struggles with faith in God, if you never got through struggles with faith in God.

You reach people at their level.

When people place these pastors/priests on a higher plane of moral standings, their faith becomes in that person and not the personal journey they should be trying to direct you towards...

personally i dont really f with mega churches lot that anyway...

it's just too flashy for my personal liking...that ain't what i look for in church, and i strongly believe everyone should find a church that works best for them instead of the other way around,... but that's another argument....
Maybe we shouldn't expect more from priests than a regular person. I dunno, seems kinda strange to me
we really shouldn't.

the only thing we should expect from them is transparency on how they actively used God or faith in God to navigate through life, and share that testimony with us..

you make disciples by being a living testimony....you show where you came from, you show how you go there, you tell how difficult it was, you tell about the struggles, it can't just be all good...

That's why some of the best pastors are the ones "who turned their lives around"