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DEBATE Sounding white vs Proper English

Ok black people we have all heard this before either we said it to somebody or it was said to us. When I see people complain about someone else saying they sound white the first thing people say is “excuse me for speaking proper English and using the correct words” or “how does a person sound white you can’t tell race through voice”

And a lot of time it’s linked to education or lack of using slang. To me I feel like speaking proper English does not mean you sound like a white person. When I hear Morgan Freeman or Barack speak I don’t automatically imagine a white person. I’m not a linguist so I don’t know how deep it is. But generally black people and white people even from the same class and region sound differently. Like if I heard Wayne Brady without seeing him I’d might think he is white dude. Idk if it’s tone or inflection.

When kids joke about these things does it really have a negative impact on them or do people overthink it? Do you think it’s even a concern?
This one tricky.

As a whole...there's a certain "tone" a lot of us black folks carry when we talk. Which is why we are surprised to hear a white person having a similar tone. Perfect example...Joss Stone. If you've haven't heard about her and just closed your eyes as she's singing...you'd think it was a sista.

Even when Obama and Freeman are speaking properly, they still have that "tone" that black folks seem to recognize like "Oh yeah that's a brotha".

Yall remember back on the IC Kat said she sounded like a black chick? Yeah...it wasn't pretty. Lol. Kimi was the only one tryin somehow explain what she meant. Lol
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This debate has always interested me. Generally speaking black and white people do have certain tones in speech you can differentiate.

I may say a black girl sounds white when she talks but that won't be because she speaks proper. A lot of our people seem to think part of speaking proper is sounding white as well.
Im like TI, im never afraid to talk properly around black people.

Im never like Koonye, i never put on a fake white voice around white people

Its all about being secure
It always burns me up when people act slow when it comes to this topic in real life. PPl know exactly what you mean when you say sounding white. It has nothing to do with speaking proper english. It has everything to do wit the vernacular used and voice inflection. The examples yall listed like Obama and Morgan Freeman are good examples. Micheal Eric Dyson and I would say a Bomani Jones are other ones. They speak articulately but you would never mistake them for being white. Russell Wilson on the other hand sounds like a white man when he is talking. Its really not that hard
I have a "work voice" and always have.....jobs, important phone calls, court, etc

there's even phrases and responses I use in these situations that I dont when Im just relaxed

the sorry to bother you movie was hitting on something until shit got weird...but its real

I've never called it sounding or acting white but I see where people get it. My mama has always been accused of this.

I dont think the act of it is a problem, nor do I feel like the jokes about it are actually damaging. but that goes by the person
I got a work voice too.. I def wouldn't say it's sounding white but I do make myself sound less threatening.. It's honestly draining af though lol.. I think black males are the only ppl on Earth that have to deal with this.. I hate it but it's a harsh reality
This one tricky.

As a whole...there's a certain "tone" a lot of us black folks carry when we talk. Which is why we are surprised to hear a white person having a similar tone. Perfect example...Joss Stone. If you've haven't heard about her and just closed your eyes as she's singing...you'd think it was a sista.

Even when Obama and Freeman are speaking properly, they still have that "tone" that black folks seem to recognize like "Oh yeah that's a brotha".

Yall remember back on the IC Kat said she sounded like a black chick? Yeah...it wasn't pretty. Lol. Kimi was the only one tryin somehow explain what she meant. Lol
you mean a deeper voice? or certain colloquialisms?
the problem is what is considered black.......why niggas ok with attaching anything negative to black like a white folk?

as if niggas cant do positive shit?

whos fault is that?
whos fault is it that it still goes on?
I got a work voice too.. I def wouldn't say it's sounding white but I do make myself sound less threatening.. It's honestly draining af though lol.. I think black males are the only ppl on Earth that have to deal with this.. I hate it but it's a harsh reality

i've tried explaining this to the wife before when she didnt understand why im moody after work sometimes or dont wanna deal with no formal type shit.....events right after work are bad for me lol

cuz i been playing this game and fake smiling and laughing at corny shit ALLL day....by like 6pm my fake meter is maxed out and im not doing it

nigga here now lol
you mean a deeper voice? or certain colloquialisms?

That's why I say its tricky.

Its hard to put my finger on it and actually say what it is. But it's just something in that us black folks just know. Tone was the closet thing I can come up wit.