Looks like complete shit just like the first one. Venom sounds like Cookie Monster. Plus poor Woody only getting to play a PG13 version of Carnage, what a waste of talent and character.
For all the nerds hyped, school me on Carnage. Outside of him being a murderous psycho, why is he such a big deal and what does he do differently from Venom powers wise?
I do not think the new Venom movie will be a great movie. But I think it will be fun, and when it comes out I will be happy that it was fun. I will not care that people call it bad. I will not care if people critique the effects, acting, plot, pacing, whatever. I will counter that I was looking for a fun, entertaining movie.... And this delivered. 🙄
What if it isnt fun.....
For all the nerds hyped, school me on Carnage. Outside of him being a murderous psycho, why is he such a big deal and what does he do differently from Venom powers wise?
Well ultimately even though he’s Venom’s offspring he’s stronger than Venom. And Spider-Man really. Personally I prefer Venom as a character more, but Carnage has had his moments. He’s pretty similar to Venom but just no moral compass at all.
I mean, im gonna watch it. Im sure ill be on here complaining about it though.

Pretty much my me in a nut shell also.

Honestly though, if it's other stuff out around that time that's better I might forget about this and hopefully never remember and not watch it..