Infamous114 🇳🇮 Mod Squad Jun 19, 2023 #109 I can see why this is rated R. He's murking dudes left and right in the trailer
Norrin_Radd I'm Low-key/Loki even more-so than Thor's bro... Jun 19, 2023 #110 They really ain’t learn shit from Morbius huh?
Norrin_Radd I'm Low-key/Loki even more-so than Thor's bro... Jun 19, 2023 #112 It looks like more Sony dogshit to me
God_Body Check yourself, what percentage is you? Jun 19, 2023 #113 Trailer looks dope, what y’all niggas want? Y’all the same niggas that got in y’all feels over a talking raccoon two months ago.
Trailer looks dope, what y’all niggas want? Y’all the same niggas that got in y’all feels over a talking raccoon two months ago.
Inori NAWF Jun 19, 2023 #114 Infamous114 said: I kinda agree with this take Click to expand... naaaah fuck that this shit look just as doofy as that movie with idris elba punching that gotdamn lion. A highway chase scene with him wit no shoes on and fuckin up the car? We already seen that done better with Civil War/Black Panther.. fuck outa here. It's an extra slap in the face they show this nigga surrounded by spiders in that one shot. fuck everyone involved
Infamous114 said: I kinda agree with this take Click to expand... naaaah fuck that this shit look just as doofy as that movie with idris elba punching that gotdamn lion. A highway chase scene with him wit no shoes on and fuckin up the car? We already seen that done better with Civil War/Black Panther.. fuck outa here. It's an extra slap in the face they show this nigga surrounded by spiders in that one shot. fuck everyone involved
God_Body Check yourself, what percentage is you? Jun 19, 2023 #115 It’s a comic book movie. Not Tiger King season 2.
Inori NAWF Jun 19, 2023 #116 MJ DOOM said: It’s a comic book movie. Click to expand... no shit it also looks like a BAD comic book movie
MJ DOOM said: It’s a comic book movie. Click to expand... no shit it also looks like a BAD comic book movie
God_Body Check yourself, what percentage is you? Jun 19, 2023 #117 Inori said: no shit it also looks like a BAD comic book movie Click to expand... what did you want out of the trailer, that you’re not getting?
Inori said: no shit it also looks like a BAD comic book movie Click to expand... what did you want out of the trailer, that you’re not getting?
Inori NAWF Jun 19, 2023 #119 MJ DOOM said: what did you want out of the trailer, that you’re not getting? Click to expand... for it not to exist
MJ DOOM said: what did you want out of the trailer, that you’re not getting? Click to expand... for it not to exist