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Songs by black artists that white people love

One of those songs that didnt need support from the Black community. All the white kids knew this shyt but we was clueless. This was a hit but got no spins on Kiss, Hot 97 or Bls

The very first time I heard this I thought it was cool. I had heard the Herbie Hancock original quite often growing up so I was already familiar with the sample and then the fact that the song (and album) were released on Blue Note Records really got me interested in the group and their music.

By about the 3rd or 4th listen I was done. Shit was wack as fuck but, like you said, aaaaaaall my white friends loved this shit.

swear to god this is the "im cool" song....never jumped in the whip with a young white person and NOT hear this lol

oh yeah....ALL Twista and Do or Die old shit

bunnies loved that shit in high school lol
lmaooo i dropped cypress and didnt think twice

im leaving it tho...that shits black idc