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Snatched : An Original Short Story by Dupacalypse Now!

My nephew is an artist, I really want him to illustrate some of these scenes with original art...I wanna publish them together in accompanying pieces
My nephew is an artist, I really want him to illustrate some of these scenes with original art...I wanna publish them together in accompanying pieces

I say do it.

It shouldn't be too hard for him to draw each character and scenes. The detail description you provide should make it easier.
@Dupacalypse I really fuck with this story bruh, not done yet but I had to stop and just comment real quick. Like you said you always been good at painting vivid pictures with your stories and this one is no different.
Good shit bruh, just finished it all.

You got my support 100%. Gonna show this to my peoples. I dont wanna speak too soon but I may be able to help you out as far as getting it published also bruh, I need to holla at my bro in FL. first and then i'll get back to you. The company that he works for publishes comic books and paperback books.
That's whassup
Good shit bruh, just finished it all.

You got my support 100%. Gonna show this to my peoples. I dont wanna speak too soon but I may be able to help you out as far as getting it published also bruh, I need to holla at my bro in FL. first and then i'll get back to you. The company that he works for publishes comic books and paperback books.
That's awesome Bruh, I truly appreciate t
whats going on with this Du?
which one of ya books i donated to?
which one of ya books i donated to?
i entered a contest for first time writers with this story....

haven't heard anything back yet.....but they said they'll post the results in october
thats what the money was for right? to enter it into the contest?
Just gotta email,

I ain't win...(shit was like 8k...motherfuckers)

but they gave me some pretty favorable rankings on a scale of 1-5

Below is a brief commentary for your entry in the 25th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards. Thank you for participating!

Entry Title: Snatched/Frantic

Author: Du

Judge Number: 25

Entry Category: Genre Fiction

A few quick notes~
  • Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”.
  • The 1-5 scale is strictly to provide a point of reference; the scores are meant only to be a gauge, and are not a cumulative score, nor are they tallied or used in ranking.
  • A "0" is not a negative score. Our online review system only recognizes numerals during this portion of logging evaluations.As a result, we've substituted a “0” in place of “N/A” when the particular portion of the evaluation simply does not apply to the particular entry, based on the entry genre. For example, a book of poetry, a cookbook, or a travel guide would not necessarily have a “Plot and Story Appeal, and may therefore receive a “0” - indicating that the rating was not applicable.
  • If you wish to reference this review on your website, we ask that you cite it as such: “Judge, 25th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.” You may cite portions of your review, if you wish, but please make sure that the passage you select is appropriate, and reflective of the review as a whole.

Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 4

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 3

Production Quality and Cover Design: 2

Plot and Story Appeal: 4

Character Appeal and Development: 4

Voice and Writing Style: 4

Judge’s Commentary*:

You've written a terrific story with compelling and colorful characters. You capture the way they speak beautifully and have a way of describing the action very well. I especially liked how you handled the character of Shanae. She is heartbreaking, caught up in something she can't get out of. In order to get your story published and be successful, I suggest the following: (1) Be sure to use spellcheck. Nothing throws a reader out of a story than to find typos and there were a few; (2) Don't change tenses in the middle of a paragraph. For example, in your first paragraph, you say 'Ronnie was a professional heist man and has been for most of his life'. The correct way is: Ronnie was a professional heist man and had been, etc. It confuses the reader if you change past tense and present tense in the same paragraph; (3) Since your story is full of action, short sentences bring tension to the story and push the reader to keep reading; (4) When you have long sentences, the use of commas help break up the sentence and allows the reader to understand better what you're trying to say. Otherwise, great job with this story. It has enormous potential and with these little changes, will be a terrific book.
word, editing.....

lol, this the same shit that used to hem me up in school, i'd slam turn in a rough draft, cuz i ain't feel like going back and checking every word....

but imma do it, that much i promise.... i just gotta force myself to settle down and get back at this shit....

creating ain't hard, writing it down is a task, but editing is a chore bruh......

but i owe it to myself, especially with this much consistent positive feedback...

i owe it to myself and those who invested.... so imma hop on that shit
You're a genius with storytelling, I'm 100% sure you're gonna take off when you get published.