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shut up T- Pain and redistribute your wealth

Honestly, people shouldn't have to give money to charity. In a perfect society, everyone would be taxed properly and the government would be responsible enough with that money to use it and take care the nation's citizens.

Unfortunately, we live in a far far far far from perfect society, so the onus to help those without is sometimes unfairly put on those that have. That's fair, but we do have to understand that there is a difference between someone like Elon Musk and T-Pain. T-Pain can help a few, but Elon Musk could basically change the nation.
That's pretty much how the capitalism works T-Pain.

If you're broke, it's your fault.

If you rich, you better cough it up because broke people covet your shit and a bunch of pissed off broke people will cause a revolution.

Adam Smith talks about this in Wealth of Nations.
That's pretty much how the capitalism works T-Pain.

If you're broke, it's your fault.

If you rich, you better cough it up because broke people covet your shit and a bunch of pissed off broke people will cause a revolution.

Adam Smith talks about this in Wealth of Nations.

That's not really true. The majority of non-rich people are not walking around acting like they deserve what the rich people have. The problem with the U.S. system is that its crony capitalism. People don't get rich and continue to uphold their responsibilities as American citizen. Most of them get rich, and immediately use their money to find ways to avoid having to pay their fair share. Elon Musk is the one of if not the wealthiest people on the planet, and he's had years where he paid no taxes. That's the shit that people hate.
People just want the wealthy to pay their fair share. Plus it’s funny because millionaires pay more taxes than billionaires, but be the first one to cry and not know they getting fucked too.