Should 'Non Foundational" Blacks be able to use the N-Word?

U lost the day u gotta prove ur blackness to anyone ..... I don’t do it for CACs not doing it for niggas..... the day they cut the reparations checks I’ll prolly get mines before “ foundational blacks” trust me
And this right here is what us foundational blacks were getting at
Wait u think y’all need to validate “non foundation” blacks?

lmao hey yo
Man that "foundational" shit sound goofy and confusing. Why would anybody pro-black wanna lay claim to being the FOUNDATION of Babylon anyway, somebody tell Tariq to come up with a better name please lol.
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Something that's been grinding my gears since the i.c. NOW to here at abw. Y'all was all about making this a safe space for women and I get that.

That's commendable but with that said why do yall ve allowing non foundational blacks to say nigga? I don't even say the word but yall be letting cats from canada, the u.k., and even an African say it. Would y'all let these people say this to you in real life without checking them?

Just a random(not so random) thought

Short Answer: No

Long Answer: Fuck no. And i aint cool with that akata shit either. Bunch of colonizer worshipping, tragic weave wearing, contact wearing (yo eyes aint blue ho), muthafuckas. FBA's should stand against ANYBODY who against us.
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Lmao non foundational tho that's rude fam

America is the mecca for blacks? Is that why African Americans are foundational?

My countries are sovereign black states, how can you guys be more foundational than me

Pick a better word to describe whatever you think foundational describes
" foundational"

that on its face ist dumb as fuck and are you going to put together a foundational clandestine organization to check niggas papers and send them off to black sites and interrogate them
Some of the niggas that wear foundation are bout a few hundred miles from being Cuban
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She just mad cause when them checks come in she won't be able to get one unless her father can trace his relatives to the slave fields