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Should Blacks Continue To Vote Democrat?

Just dont vote for old white men, regardless if they are democrat or republican, they are racist.

The democrats have some interesting candidates but I dont like Biden or Bernie.
And bruh fuck rich people worrying about the dems going too far left. Unless you making millions fuck you care about the rich being taxed? All I hear from these far left candidates is about taxing the filthy rich more, taxing the stock market more, more taxes for corporations, etc.

Why should poor and middle class people care about filthy rich people getting taxed?
I stay having to tell my older white coworkers barely breaking middle class that they shouldnt care none for rich people who dont do shit for them.
Agree with everything. Niggaz say don't automatically vote dems like we have a viable option. Them repub niggaz are straight coons.
As it already has been said its either the dem cacs or nobody at all.

I'm not supporting no repub unless I really just dgaf and want to watch the world burn.

Biggest problem with libs are their faggot agenda but hopefully that shit don't ever affect me so it's whatever. They toeing the line tho

The gay agenda.........as well as the illegal immigrant/DACA/Asylyum agenda.......is going to be the downfall of the democratic party.

That SJW/PC shit isn't helping either.
Tricky question...

Objectively no...probably one of the destructive things you can do as a social group is to swear blind allegiance to one party...

Jews understand this. They vote largely democrat but have enough of a voter split and donor support that they can help swing republican elections too...so what you get is both parties largely placating them despite being a significantly smaller population wise...

Not a perfect analogy because todays (and throughout us history) political parties are based largely on race. A virtuous cycle has both parties tryin to appeal to us based on ideas that align with their beliefs. And tbh theres alot of republican ideals that especially in red states that align with blacks living there. The vicious cycle is what we have now with dems tryin to appeal to us to turnout and repubs tryin to surpess the vote...

So i would say yes blacks should mainly vote dem because the system is so far steeped in race that the best bet in turnout
Black people should vote for the candidates that will do things specifically for black people. No matter who it is. No one pressures the Asians to vote and they’re statistically the lowest voting group.
Bob Johnson is a fucking billionaire! Of course he is for Trump. All of those tax cuts have made quite a few people with millions, billionaires. For a coon like Bob Johnson, caring about the poor or working classes is for chumps. He’s kicking the ladder down so other folks can’t Succeed like he did—-but caring about those kinds of people, and the poor roots and struggle of his own family is for sissies, and now called “socialism.”
either way they gonna do shit for the black community . The main they need to figure out is how they going to repay blacks for the suffering of slavery
I always find these questions curious tho for real.

It's not like both parties differ on their values by a small margin...it's a massive gap and its not like an independent candidate actually stands a chance....

Folks that usually pose the question on why black folks are voting for democrats act like:
  • one party doesn't hate niggas and minorities in general...
  • one party actually doesnt believe in climate change...
  • one party doesnt want to strip away womens right to choose what to do to their own bodies....
  • one party doesnt want to curb voting rights for minorities...
  • one party doesnt want to take your health care away...
im just saying.. if its between one of THOSE republican muhfuckas... a democrat that I maybe agree with on... and ima lowball it... 65% of the major issues... and some rando independent that doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell.. then yeah im voting democrat.

The minute Dems slip below the threshold on issues I agree with is when they lose my vote. Im just trying to vote for the person that I agree with most AND ALSO has a reasonable chance of winning

This makes no sense IMO. So lets say you agree with the independent on more major issues than the democrat. You still voting democrat?

Did it ever occur to you and any others that the independent doesn't stand a chance because yall for some odd reason won't give them a chance? If so many people choose not to vote for them because yall feel they don't have a chance. You do realize they don't have a chance because yall won't give them one. Yet continuously giving democrats who don't shit for us chances over and over again.

Like I said on the on here and the IC I ain't telling nobody not to vote democrat I'm just saying make them earn the vote and keep your options open.

No political party is going to do right by us by choice.