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Should Blacks Continue To Vote Democrat?


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
I just read an interview that the founder of BET Bob Johnson did with CNBC where he said the Democrats have gone too far left and he later went on to praise Trump's ability to move the economy in a better direction. This led me to question if black people should stop automatically voting democrat and if black people should be voting at all.

What are your thoughts?
nah seriously, i've never really subscribed to that thought we should all vote a particular way because the rest of the "group" is

but i've also never voted.....
I always find these questions curious tho for real.

It's not like both parties differ on their values by a small margin...it's a massive gap and its not like an independent candidate actually stands a chance....

Folks that usually pose the question on why black folks are voting for democrats act like:
  • one party doesn't hate niggas and minorities in general...
  • one party actually doesnt believe in climate change...
  • one party doesnt want to strip away womens right to choose what to do to their own bodies....
  • one party doesnt want to curb voting rights for minorities...
  • one party doesnt want to take your health care away...
im just saying.. if its between one of THOSE republican muhfuckas... a democrat that I maybe agree with on... and ima lowball it... 65% of the major issues... and some rando independent that doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell.. then yeah im voting democrat.

The minute Dems slip below the threshold on issues I agree with is when they lose my vote. Im just trying to vote for the person that I agree with most AND ALSO has a reasonable chance of winning
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I just read an interview that the founder of BET Bob Johnson did with CNBC where he said the Democrats have gone too far left and he later went on to praise Trump's ability to move the economy in a better direction. This led me to question if black people should stop automatically voting democrat and if black people should be voting at all.

What are your thoughts?

Only other option is not voting and doing a bunch of grassroots shit. On a wide scale can any community on America exist without politics and still be a respected group
Technically we should have never voted Democrat. The Democratic Party was the party of slave owners and f you really get down to the core of their current policies, they're really created to keep Black folks down.

I mean if you look at shit like having a big social net a lower cost healthcare as keeping us down
I mean if you look at shit like having a big social net a lower cost healthcare as keeping us down

A large social net serves to keep us complacent with doing nothing. Look at Spain, with it's fairly generous welfare/unemployment benefits; it's also got the highest unemployment numbers in Europe since many feel like it's not worth it to get a job when they can simply sit off and collect enough money from the government to live.

Niggas that get on SNAP and Section 8 really don't wanna do shit with their lives and I believe that's an intentional result. Go to the hood and say "they opening up Section 8" and see how niggas get happy. Go to the same hood and say "there's a free ride for an associates from the community college" and see how many niggas hit you with the stank face. I get that people fall on hard times, and I've been that guy that had to get on SNAP for my family so we could eat, but at the same time there needs to be a limit on how long you can be on it before you get dropped.

Healthcare should be free, like it is most other civilized countries.
Technically we should have never voted Democrat. The Democratic Party was the party of slave owners and f you really get down to the core of their current policies, they're really created to keep Black folks down.

That was them dixiecrats that turn republicans
I always find these questions curious tho for real.

It's not like both parties differ on their values by a small margin...it's a massive gap and its not like an independent candidate actually stands a chance....

Folks that usually pose the question on why black folks are voting for democrats act like:
  • one party doesn't hate niggas and minorities in general...
  • one party actually doesnt believe in climate change...
  • one party doesnt want to strip away womens right to choose what to do to their own bodies....
  • one party doesnt want to curb voting rights for minorities...
  • one party doesnt want to take your health care away...
im just saying.. if its between one of THOSE republican muhfuckas... a democrat that I maybe agree with on... and ima lowball it... 65% of the major issues... and some rando independent that doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell.. then yeah im voting democrat.

The minute Dems slip below the threshold on issues I agree with is when they lose my vote. Im just trying to vote for the person that I agree with most AND ALSO has a reasonable chance of winning
Agree with everything. Niggaz say don't automatically vote dems like we have a viable option. Them repub niggaz are straight coons.
As it already has been said its either the dem cacs or nobody at all.

I'm not supporting no repub unless I really just dgaf and want to watch the world burn.

Biggest problem with libs are their faggot agenda but hopefully that shit don't ever affect me so it's whatever. They toeing the line tho