Gray Matter
Active Member
People are so stupid. They don't realize how all this violence reflects badly on hip hop for the mainstream.
People are so stupid. They don't realize how all this violence reflects badly on hip hop for the mainstream.
People are so stupid. They don't realize how all this violence reflects badly on hip hop for the mainstream.
No it doesn't.
When will Hip Hop fans understand that the primary reason why people pay attention to Hip Hop music is to watch Black American men die?
The world wants to see a group of men live out who they say they are.
There isn't any genre of music or art form that does that.
Y'all just aged out and don't understand the appeal of Hip Hop anymore.
Y'all think it's beats and rhymes.
No it's death. It's the sex. It's the violence. It's the court cases. It's the prison sentences. It's the self-fulfilling prophecies.
Hip Hop is tragic, that's why we like it.
Each death is just making space for another motherfucker to sacrifice himself.