Breaking News Shooter in Custody, 22 Dead & 24 injured in El Paso Walmart Mass Shooting. Update: El Paso Shooter Confesses Told Police He Was Targeting ‘Mexicans

Apparently, Trump is deleting his tweets that featured the word "invasion". Trying to distance himself from this white extremist but the proof is in the pudding
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They finally got the Orange Goblin away from the golf course to say some words he doesn’t really mean...

Fuck your rallys. Fuck your thoughts and fuck your prayers. Until something is done about these white supremacists domestic terrorist and their unlimited access to weapons of mass murder stupid shit like this irrelevant.
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the video game argument isn’t to say that it makes you a shooter, it’s to say it has desensitized players...

remember modern warfare and the airport massacre? I had the original game when it was apart of the opening to the game... they’ve since removed it... I felt like crap playing that opening scene that I didn’t shoot after the first few seconds... there’s other ppl who happily took part of that scene and shot the ppl...

it’s the amount of shooters like that that have desensitized ppl... is it a coincidence that these dudes played games like this and happened to be the men involved in mass shootings? again, it’s not that the make MAKES you the shooter... that’s not the point.
the video game argument isn’t to say that it makes you a shooter, it’s to say it has desensitized players...

remember modern warfare and the airport massacre? I had the original game when it was apart of the opening to the game... they’ve since removed it... I felt like crap playing that opening scene that I didn’t shoot after the first few seconds... there’s other ppl who happily took part of that scene and shot the ppl...

it’s the amount of shooters like that that have desensitized ppl... is it a coincidence that these dudes played games like this and happened to be the men involved in mass shootings? again, it’s not that the make MAKES you the shooter... that’s not the point.
No matter the angle, the video game argument does not hold weight. Could it desensitize someone, yes, but only to seeing violence.

Does that make it easier to commit mass murder somehow? No.
I think we're having the wrong discussion...

Guns and access to them no matter what kind aren't the problem. Just because you have weapons or access to them doesn't mean the population is going to use them on each other.

The problem seems to be white people and in particular white males. Not just white supremacists but regular ass suburban middle class or rural white people.

We keep mentioning white supremacy but a good number of these shootings are not white supremacists but they are white males from young to old.

Maybe a serious discussion should be why are white people (not all white people but when these mass murders happen they're almost always white) so prone to this type of behavior?

And for the the future of all living things on the planet, what can we do about it?

Even if you take away all the guns that wouldn't change the fact that there are white people who would find other means to manifest their nature. Remember that evil mf who drove his car into a crowd of people? No gun was needed for that.

The fact is evil people will find a way to weaponise anything.

Creating policies don't change the hearts or minds of the people. It usually only reinforces their beliefs.

What are we gonna do about white people?
I think we're having the wrong discussion...

Guns and access to them no matter what kind aren't the problem. Just because you have weapons or access to them doesn't mean the population is going to use them on each other.

The problem seems to be white people and in particular white males. Not just white supremacists but regular ass suburban middle class or rural white people.

We keep mentioning white supremacy but a good number of these shootings are not white supremacists but they are white males from young to old.

Maybe a serious discussion should be why are white people (not all white people but when these mass murders happen they're almost always white) so prone to this type of behavior?

And for the the future of all living things on the planet, what can we do about it?

Even if you take away all the guns that wouldn't change the fact that there are white people who would find other means to manifest their nature. Remember that evil mf who drove his car into a crowd of people? No gun was needed for that.

The fact is evil people will find a way to weaponise anything.

Creating policies don't change the hearts or minds of the people. It usually only reinforces their beliefs.

What are we gonna do about white people?
But in the mean time, why not restrict access to the easiest, most deadly things used to kill?
But in the mean time, why not restrict access to the easiest, most deadly things used to kill?

I don't know but any action that's not dealing with addressing why white people are behaving this way in the first place is futile imo. The way I see it is if automatics get banned we'll more than likely start seeing a rise in white people using explosives... again

This may be another topic but I've crossed paths with a lot of people in my life and one phrase I would hear sometimes is "I hate everyone equally" or something to that effect. I always heard it when the topic was dealing with race or discrimination of some sort and 100% of the time it was from a white person, male and female.

It always struck me as odd but it made me question more and more if hate is just their default emotion.

Why are white people (in America?) so infactuated with malice and mass murder? Is it biological? Is it mental? Is it spiritual? Is it even reversible? And what can we do about it?

Until we have a SERIOUS discussion FEARLESSLY addressing these things we're wasting our time.

The desire to murder and to commit mass murder at that comes first. They wanted to murder, then figured out a way to execute their plan. If automatics weren't available they would've used something else. It's not like anyone sees a gun and decides to go shoot people because they saw a gun. It was already on their minds. Why?

What makes people want to commit mass murder in the first place?