Self Snitching: Shooter goes on Facebook Live & confesses to various homicide cases in Canton,OH...

Seems he's mad a op didn't have no code and shot up his homies house and killed his kid.

Guessing more people about to die senselessly. And around we go.

I don't know what to say about shit like this. When we talk about fixing the hood, how do you solve the problem of the people in the hood not valuing human life at all. This dude basically just bragged about killing and not caring. These people are legit monsters for real. We watch slasher flicks about villains going around killing people for sport and consider it fiction. Meanwhile, apparently dudes like this exist who are every bit as carefree with their killing as Jason or Michael Myers.
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"Everybody mentions suicide prevention
Man, they even made a hotline
To call up when there's tension, but I got a question
What about a fuckin' homicide?
Need a number for my niggas to call
Whenever there's a urge to get triggers involved
Need a number for my niggas to call
Whenever there's a urge to get triggers involved"

Edit: Watch the whole video, that dude honestly needs to go from the courthouse and just go collect his lethal injection. There no point in trying to rehabilitate someone like this.
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I don't know what to say about shit like this. When we talk about fixing the hood, how do you solve the problem of the people in the hood not valuing human life at all. This dude basically just bragged about killing and not caring. These people are legit monsters for real. We watch slasher flicks about villains going around killing people for sport and consider it fiction. Meanwhile, apparently dudes like this exist who are every bit as carefree with their killing as Jason or Michael Myers.

Yeah, I think that he thought he was acting, 'tough' or 'cool' but in my mind he's a fool and he doesn't understand why.

The civilized thing to do (if somebody shot his house and killed a child) would be to call the police and tell them what you know and let them handle it.

I know the so-called 'code of the street' says you're supposed to handle your business, but where has that 'code of the street' gotten us? Nowhere.

There's nothing cool about shooting somebody and going to prison for the next 25 years. Especially when you could have just called the police and the other guy would go to prison for 25 years.
I'm not sure if I found this clip here or on Facebook, but it shows how helpless some people are before they even grow up.

It's time stamped.

This kid has no idea what the real world is like.
made me think of this

Everybody mentions suicide prevention
Man, they even made a hotline
To call up when there's tension, but I got a question
What about a fuckin' homicide?
Need a number for my _______ to call
Whenever there's a urge to get triggers involved
I'm not sure if I found this clip here or on Facebook, but it shows how helpless some people are before they even grow up.

It's time stamped.

This kid has no idea what the real world is like.

Saddest shit I've seen all day.
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I don't know what to say about shit like this. When we talk about fixing the hood, how do you solve the problem of the people in the hood not valuing human life at all. This dude basically just bragged about killing and not caring. These people are legit monsters for real. We watch slasher flicks about villains going around killing people for sport and consider it fiction. Meanwhile, apparently dudes like this exist who are every bit as carefree with their killing as Jason or Michael Myers.

Well there's 2 ways you can look at this...You can look at this in a way that humanizes him if you choose to. He's lashing out in pain over the pain of a friend losing a child. The bragging isn't really bragging just his way of trying to maintain that front of bravado even in the face of real pain and agony. It's not that he doesn't care about the killing it's just that his goal is to try and inflict the same amount of pain on someone else that he and his people are currently feeling. Which would then lead to a larger discussion, as has been happening in a thread here, about how men handle their emotions, and why in this instance he's chosen to go this route instead of actually being there for his friend...

Or there's the "Well you can't save everybody" and accept that some folks just going to be left behind because they either can't or don't want to change.
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They marked his homeboy child tho I can understand his rage. Don’t know why he need to tell the world unless he wants somebody to stop him
Well there's 2 ways you can look at this...You can look at this in a way that humanizes him if you choose to. He's lashing out in pain over the pain of a friend losing a child. The bragging isn't really bragging just his way of trying to maintain that front of bravado even in the face of real pain and agony. It's not that he doesn't care about the killing it's just that his goal is to try and inflict the same amount of pain on someone else that he and his people are currently feeling. Which would then lead to a larger discussion, as has been happening in a thread here, about how men handle their emotions, and why in this instance he's chosen to go this route instead of actually being there for his friend...

Or there's the "Well you can't save everybody" and accept that some folks just going to be left behind because they either can't or don't want to change.

Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure he was in pain, but I don't that was just bravado. You don't get on a live broadcast and cop to a bunch of murders and shootings just to save face.
He really shouldn't be drinking and driving. He could get in a lot of trouble for that.
I'm not sure if I found this clip here or on Facebook, but it shows how helpless some people are before they even grow up.

It's time stamped.

This kid has no idea what the real world is like.

I was like that when I was little but to a slightly lesser extent. Little man ain't helpless he's just in a bad situation at the moment.

Also it's rare that I sahy this but shoutout to those cops because I know what they were doing since like I said I been there before. they were trying to find his family to come get his bad ass so they didn't have to put him in the system.
So anyway back to the story at hand... is it wrong to take predictions on how this ends?


Death by cop?

Death by Op?


Hostage situation ending with one of the above