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RIP to Kai!

I saw the post on another forum and had to sign up to pay my respects. Just reading the article on what happened was messed up.

I was a poster on the IC from 2004-2011 and remember her being one of the intellectual posters who was well versed on different subjects resulting grest debating skills. She was also one of the rare female posters who were not afraid of Johnny Green (king of exposures) when he had most of the female posters scared/shook.
IC is truly run by the feds now. I think the reason they blurred out the curse words and stuff is because Creekmur stay rubbing shoulders with that fox 5 lady Lisa Evers. 🤷🏽‍♂️
No telling but I dnt think Chuck and Gregg have much to do with it anymore if anything outside of the front page. It's the company that just bought Sports Illustrated not to long ago called The Arena Group.
No telling but I dnt think Chuck and Gregg have much to do with it anymore if anything outside of the front page. It's the company that just bought Sports Illustrated not to long ago called The Arena Group.
Jay is a straight up liar. He gathered us around and guaranteed the IC wasn't going anywhere. 3 months later Greg was Bezelface
Tbh I think he was lied to also. He told me some stuff that just doesn't add up. I talked to him recently and it sounds like he's just as much out the loop as we all are or were 🤷🏽‍♂️ I think we all know what happened there.
Tell him to sign up over here and give his side of the story
Em been around for a min too. Glad to see homie good.

I know I went down the rabbit hole once already but bruhhhh, literally during the last days of the IC, death, among other things(maybe an omen idk), started slapping me in the face left and right to my close ones. Probably why i "spazzed" out on here, I dnt remember and never came back so I want to apologize to @Chicity and @AP2.5 and whoever else for that. It was goofy and silly. It was a long time ago now but sheesh, I was broken b lol. I'm sure many of others have experienced the same since then, maybe even before but man I wasn't ready, that shit hit me hard.

We all here and fucked with Kai like we did which is a beautiful thing. When you lose your real life ppl, it's a different animal. Peace and love to all y'all man

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Like a couple of yous I joined the IC in the summer of '09 ... From Illseed rumours section

I was mostly a Reason man ... I lurked in the murkier sub forums (Donkey) and the craziness there was OTT ...

The IC was great also for it's distinction with posters and their style of posting

I always said it ... If you survived the IC wholly intact as a person without your personal life exposed for all to see ... You can survive anywhere on the Internet

rip. Kai ❤️
Em been around for a min too. Glad to see homie good.

I know I went down the rabbit hole once already but bruhhhh, literally during the last days of the IC, death, among other things(maybe an omen idk), started slapping me in the face left and right to my close ones. Probably why i "spazzed" out on here, I dnt remember and never came back so I want to apologize to @Chicity and @AP2.5 and whoever else for that. It was goofy and silly. It was a long time ago now but sheesh, I was broken b lol. I'm sure many of others have experienced the same since then, maybe even before but man I wasn't ready, that shit hit me hard.

We all here and fucked with Kai like we did which is a beautiful thing. When you lose your real life ppl, it's a different animal. Peace and love to all y'all man
