Right or Wrong: Refuses to take Covid Test


Site Administrator
Jan 18, 2017
Standing On Business

Cliff notes; he refuses to get tested 2x a week because teachers and front line workers aren't able to get tested as often and he feels as if they are wasting test on themselves. He says he complies with all other Covid mandates; daily temp checks, mask, social distancing

Is he right or wrong?
There's not a right or wrong, you have a CHOICE to not take that shit or if you want to. I ain't gonna judge nobody on the decisions they made.
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My first instinct is to say fuck him.

He's a lawmaker. Propose, work towards, vote for and pass laws after you've taken your fuckin covid test that will get teachers the resources they need in order to get tested and make schools safe.

If you have covid and get other lawmakers sick and they cant pass shit thats gonna help regular people... that aint helping either. Take your test and do your fuckin job
There's not a right or wrong, you have a CHOICE to not take that shit or if you want to. I ain't gonna judge nobody on the decisions they made.

Its not a choice fam. You dont get to just decide to get me sick and then I get my family sick.

Your only choice is continue working, which means gets tested if thats what your job requires, or, you quit if you dont wanna get tested that bad.

Smh at this being a choice though. If it only effected you, it would be a choice. But if you can get me sick, then you better follow all the guidelines set by our job, fuck all that choice shit.
Its not a choice fam. You dont get to just decide to get me sick and then I get my family sick.

Your only choice is continue working, which means gets tested if thats what your job requires, or, you quit if you dont wanna get tested that bad.

Smh at this being a choice though. If it only effected you, it would be a choice. But if you can get me sick, then you better follow all the guidelines set by our job, fuck all that choice shit.
Bruh, can't nobody make you do shit that you don't want to do and the same way when it comes to dickheads going out partying in the crowd knowing this covid-19 is out here but can't nobody make them stay in the house. IT'S A CHOICE PEOPLE MAKE ON THEIR OWN RATHER RIGHT OR WRONG. If you know better then you would do better.

Remember people don't give a FUCK ABOUT FOLLOWING THE RULES.
They definitely wasting test but like a lot of the past year, you'd rather be safe than sorry

Either take the test OR making everything a zoom meeting
Bruh, can't nobody make you do shit that you don't want to do and the same way when it comes to dickheads going out partying in the crowd knowing this covid-19 is out here but can't nobody make them stay in the house. IT'S A CHOICE PEOPLE MAKE ON THEIR OWN RATHER RIGHT OR WRONG. If you know better then you would do better.

Remember people don't give a FUCK ABOUT FOLLOWING THE RULES.

Your job can make you do what you dont wanna do fam.

This is all about your jobs requirements. If your job says you have to get tested twice a week, your only choice is to keep working or quit.
But on another note fuck that lawmaker
Your job can make you do what you dont wanna do fam.

This is all about your jobs requirements. If your job says you have to get tested twice a week, your only choice is to keep working or quit.
I'm not a slave to nobody's job and I never will be. Plus, I'm not gonna let somebody force me to do something that I don't want to do. Also, its great when your an entrepreneur that you can make your own rules and do what's best for you and your family.
Oh, and on the same token when this virus was out here killing people from working on their jobs and told their workers don't wear mask and gloves but now y'all want to put trust in these people saying this shit?
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I'm not taking one of those tests. I don't need that stress. I'll probably take the vaccine before I ever bother with the test.

I stay inside tho. Haven't been outside the crib more than an hour since December except one time when I went to a poker game a couple weeks ago.
“I check my temperature when I come in, when I go in the chambers I wear my mask, I follow the protocols that they want in the chamber. But two tests a week is wrong, on my conscience, when teachers can’t get it and first responders can’t get it,” a maskless Clark said to reporters while still inside the building.

Dude is clearly full of shit. He don't give a shit about teachers or first responders. He's grandstanding and putting people's lives at risk for no good reason.

If he can't follow the safety rules he can't come in the building. It's pretty simple.
He's wrong. Wtf are the 2 tests saved a week gunna do in a country of over 300 million? Stop enabling his fucking bullshit. This is why we'll be the last country to get this under control. Yall are seriously considering dumb shit people say to get around being safe.
Got the test yesterday. 10 mins in a drive thru, they didn't push it in my brain but they did get about 2 inches in then swabbed around. Everybody should be getting tested atleast twice a month just to be on the safe side.
assuming this dude is getting the nasal swab test, i can't say i blame him. 5 inch long q-tip shoved up ur nose to the back of ur throat, twisted around in place there for a good 10-15 seconds? not a pleasant experience. i had to get it done twice. if it's a mouth swab, no biggie.