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Real Talk or Simp/Prostitute Talk?

I wouldn't say that. A study came out legit just a couple days ago that showed the vast majority of bullshit we see on social media comes from a small number of accounts. It's the time and true tested theory of the minority somehow always being the loudest in the room

So take away their ability to be the loudest by taking away the platform that enables them.

If I live a certain way based on my income, I'm gonna live like that whether I'm single or not.

I only see women worried about what somebody else is making and applying it to their lifestyle.

I could be wrong tho, there might be niggas out here who think like that too.
So when you were dating you paid absolutely no attention to how a woman spent her money?
So when you were dating you paid absolutely no attention to how a woman spent her money?
Tbh nah lol

To me logically and mathematically that perspective never made sense to me.

If you're a woman making 100k and live a lavish lifestyle paying 100% of the bills as a single woman.

Then you get with a nigga who makes 50K. Let's say he can only afford to pay 40% of the bills, she's now pocketing that 40%.

You went from paying 100% of the bills, to 60%. Same crib, same car, etc.

But chicks don't look at it like that cuz they want the nigga to pay.
Lots of times, insecurity plays a part with the man. A dude could have a women that makes twice what he makes. For some women, money is not an issue. As long as she is being treated right. But these types of dudes feel like less of a man for some reason. Even if their woman says it is not an issue. They don't realize they can be useful in other ways. Fix shit around the house, cook, etc
Theres a few ways to look at it imo

How much does the girl (or guy) who earns more really like person the on lower wage??? (look at Lana Del Rey marrying a regular dude)...

If a woman (or a guy) is used to going to fancy restaurants, going on regular holidays, shopping trips and doing expensive activities etc and the guy/girl cant afford to do all that and the chick doesnt wanna chip in more, its obviously not gonna workout because she wants a guy in the same tax bracket...

On the otherhand, if two people genuinely love and trust eachother then the person on the higher wage shouldnt be too bothered about realising the difference in their spending habits... and if they wanna continue to live that lifestyle they should pay the extra money so they both can live that way, or they take their spending down notch...

Then you just got chicks/guys looking to be taken care of and only want to get with people with more money than them... and there are always simps out there willing to accommodate, usually athletes or celebs...
Niggas need to get off social media
I think they should separate Social Media from Reality. In reality most females want the same thing men want but over in Social Media land they want niggas to make 500k+, buy them Birkins, and Michelin Star restaurants every night

Meanwhile in reality them heffas barely making ends meet, eating Ramen and would fuck up a McChicken Combo from McDonald's with the biggest smile.
I'm all about equality in relationships. That doesn't mean always going 50/50 when it comes to money, but both parties should pull their weight. The problem with these chicks nowadays is that they don't want to go 50/50, but they also ain't bringing anything else to the table. Back when I was younger and dating, I always paid for dinner. However, there were times when we didn't even go out. We stayed in and the chicks cooked. Most of these chicks nowadays don't even cook.
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