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Rapper Kodak Black admits he doesn’t like his dark complexion

I think it does. I don't agree with the stereotypes, because they aren't organic representations and normally have complex origins when they are accurate. But to act like there aren't people that fit the mold isn't being honest.

I had a somewhat unique experience because I went to schools in the "hood" most of my life, but I didn't live in the hood. I lived right outside of it in a middle class mixed neighborhood. So if spend a lot of time in the hood and had friends who always lived in the surrounding areas. So I saw the bulls**t happening, I just happened to have adults in my life that made sure I didn't fall victim to it.

But colorism exists. And in these schools you got ignorance passed down from parents to children. These children spend most of their waking hours around each other, and the social structure in these schools shape their reality have a big impact on a kids self reflection. That is, unless they have someone to make sure theu know better. And a lot of them unfortunately dont....

Dark skinned girls are looked at as less attractive. Less feminine. Light skinned girls more attractive and more feminine. Of course it's not true, but if these kids believe it, they'll play that role. And the spell is so deep, thag even when they don't, people still expect it.

You got dark skinned girls/boys being teased so much, their guard is constantly up. So then theu appear standoffish or mean when that may not be who they are deep down. And vice versa you have lite skinned kids teased because of the insecurities of others. It's crazy, but it's reality.
who raised yall?
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As a darkskin person, Im here to tell you your analysis is bullshit

Everyone's experience isn't the same. Coming from you, I can accept that as your experience. But if you went to the school I went to, you might feel a little different. And I've heard accounts similar to mine all too often. So where's the disconnect here?

@King Du what don't you agree with?

I didn't say I agree with the mindset, but it was something i saw happening all too often growing up.
it must be where yall were raised.. which is why i said who raised yall.. cuz i swear i ain't see that shit growing up....
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