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Random Acts of Kindness by Caucasians

Today there’s a snow and ice storm where I live.

My Jeep got stuck in a thick pile of snow on the side street as I was going to work.

I waited there forever, calling my insurance company for roadside assistance, but they never showed.

They said tow service was only reserved for police on this particular day because of the bad weather.

So, there I was, stranded.

White dude pulled up and asked if I needed help.

He was gonna help pull my car outta the snow, but I didn’t have a hook on my front bumper for him to attach his cord to.

But, it was cool that he offered.

A little while later a truck pulls up next to me and in the passenger seat is this fine ass Indian (South Asian) chick smiling at me saying “Hi”!

White dude gets outta the truck and asks if I’m stuck and if I needed a ride.

I explained to him that I didn’t wanna abandon my vehicle on the side of the road.

You know what he did?

Him and his girl grabbed a couple of shovels outta his truck and started digging me outta the snow.

Then, he made sure there was no traffic coming and directed me back onto the main road.

That incident made me think to myself, “Wow! Maybe there IS hope.

These folks weren’t scared of me or giving the evil eye.

Nah, they actually went outta their way to assist their fellow (BLACK) man.

So, let us take some time out to share stories of our white brethren actually being kind to us for a change.

Have you ever experienced such behavior from these people?


1 of my best friends (a white boy) is like that

yrs ago it snowed real bad & I couldn't leave the crib cuz my driveway is on an incline, he pulled up in his truck w/ 2 big bags of salt

on that same note, when I wrecked in a ditch few yrs ago old white dude stopped & I asked for help, he said no & called 12 sayin I was tryna leave the scene smh

jus be cautious

Black kid got stuck in my driveway just the other day. He used my driveway to turn around the snowbank was too much for his car. I went outside and pushed him out.


Of course you pushed him out.

You wanted his black ass outta your driveway!!

Now, if he was stuck in HIS driveway across the street ... That would be different.

Just messin‘ with ya, fam!

Nice work??
I don't have any lol.

My grandad said that back in the 60s a white man used to give him candy everyday and shit, outta the kindness of his heart. He never forgot that.
The term “Caucasian” is used pretty much anytime there is a suspect description.

EXAMPLE: The gunman was described as a male Caucasian.

The term is also used when you’re asked to indicate your ethnicity on a job application.

Just because YOU might consider the term “outdated “ or offensive, doesn’t mean you should derail an entire thread.

We get it, bruh.... For some reason the term upsets you.


I would change the thread title if it wasn’t for the fact that you seem to be the only one on planet earth who thinks that calling a white person a Caucasian is the same as calling an Asian person an “oriental”.

You can respond to this post if you want to, but this will be my one and only comment about this.

I refuse to derail my own discussion.

Wishing nothing but the best for you and your family.

Have a blessed day.

Then u admit the context of the thread title didn't suit the common usage of the term. Fail. It's not exactly like calling an Asian an Oriental, it just sounds archaic (outdated, not offensive) when used in certain ways.

Also try leaving the warm, feel good final passages at the door bruh. U sound like a condescending twat.

Wish u the best

Blessed day for u and ur family

Warm regards,


Anything else u wanna add?
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lmao a black man that works for us told basically the same story from the o/p

said on the first day he was trying to get outta the neighborhood and slid into somebody's yard....said "man it was all kinda black folk outside just lookin at me.....guess who showed up on two 4 wheelers, got underneath my truck and hooked it up, and helped pull me out????......thats right! my redneck ass neighbors!!"

it was all in fun but that shit was funny and unfortunately familiar in my city