At the end of the day,what are we even debating?Of course i dont kno all of kells financial bizness. But i think its safe to assume he was the main bread winner in his extended family...and he prolly has/had dozens of ppl on his pay roll.
Its possible that he mighta stopped payin sum ppl for various reasons. And when the checks stopped they coulda been like "give us money or we'll say you like lil boys."....
He called there bluff. Thus here we are.
That exact kinda scenario happens all the time btw
It's a fact R kelly has messed with numerous underaged girls.
He married a 15 yr old and had a sex tape with a minor and there'sno doubt that was himon that tape.
He paid the girl's family off and he got away with it.
It doesn't matter who was complicate and who wasn't,R kelly is the main denominator
who cares if somebody was extorting him,fuck him?
Not only did ppl say he was messing with boys,now official charges are being brought up,so it's not just he say she say.