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Question for the nonbelievers....


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For those that don’t believe in Jesus, when you’re at your lowest or it seems like nothing is going right or you’re questioning everything about yourself, where do you get your faith or will to overcome it?

What gives you hope? Where do you get your moral code to live by?
As far as a moral code, I think we over complicate how easy it is to be a good person. I don’t really have to put much thought into it.

It’s very easy to be good but I also feel we underestimate how many people are just garbage human beings at their core.

it’s like with white people... they haven’t become less racist in the past 50 years, they’ve just gotten a lot better at lying.

Bob and Becky are real nice when you see them at the store, but if you could see the shit they talk online about you, it might make you sick.
It’s very easy to be good but I also feel we underestimate how many people are just garbage human beings at their core.

it’s like with white people... they haven’t become less racist in the past 50 years, they’ve just gotten a lot better at lying.

Bob and Becky are real nice when you see them at the store, but if you could see the shit they talk online about you, it might make you sick.

Yea...but I don’t think a “moral code” necessarily makes evil people any less evil. But it helps them keep up appearances.
I went through some shit that almost broke me years back and I literally almost decided to say fuck it and was gonna go from being an atheist to praying 5 times a day. I just didnt want to deal with it anymore and saying everything was gods plan really felt like the easy way out.

I overcame all that by saying shit happens, and not just to me but to everyone and to just get over it.

It did give me insight on how people become religious though. It really is a much easier life to not take responsibility and blame for anything and just be like this is gods plan. I became less judgemental of religious people after that.
I went through some shit that almost broke me years back and I literally almost decided to say fuck it and was gonna go from being an atheist to praying 5 times a day. I just didnt want to deal with it anymore and saying everything was gods plan really felt like the easy way out.

I overcame all that by saying shit happens, and not just to me but to everyone and to just get over it.

It did give me insight on how people become religious though. It really is a much easier life to not take responsibility and blame for anything and just be like this is gods plan. I became less judgemental of religious people after that.

funny thing about prayer, tho... specifically with Christianity, a good 90%(being generous, it could actually be even higher) of the time people are praying, according to the Bible, God considers their very prayer to be an abomination.

Before I throw out bible verses, just think about how many times people pray for trivial, petty or irrelevant shit throughout the day.

“god please let me find a good parking spot.”

“lord please don’t let my team lose tonight.”

“Father please take this high blood pressure from me.”

Should’ve been praying “god please give me the strength and discipline to not eat a bunch of junk food today and be good with this apple.” a long time ago. The high blood pressure was your judgement from the lord for you eating all that abominable food.
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It's pretty simple for me, everything is temporary. The good, the bad, the happy times, and the worst times all temporary. Even this life is.

Knowing and understanding that allows me to lean on me if times are tough cause only my actions will change that. I am my God. I believe in me therefore I overcome.

Morally I just try not to do anything I wouldn't want done to me. Also with that I don't allow people to control what I do based off their actions toward me.
Why would people pray to jesus to solve their problems anyway? Either he can solve them and sometimes doesnt which is fucked up, or he cant or wont solve them and it's all on you anyway so theres no point in praying.

Does jesus listen to any prayer from all the poor children all over the world dying from starvation and war? Of course he doesn't

So why would you expect him to listen to your prayers
You really shouldn't. You should ask for guidance, understanding, patience and stuff like that to help you solve your own problems.


too many people live their lives based on the “myths” of Jesus.

Jesus and the Lord are not genies here to grant wishes

too many people live their lives based on the “myths” of Jesus.

Jesus and the Lord are not genies here to grant wishes
Which is why I say it's more practical to think of it as a philosophy than law.

Because when you pray the way I described, two things happen right off the break. One you are mediating and focusing on a subject. And you still acknowledging what it's gonna take to get thru it.

Example.....I used to pray a lot for the patience to deal with my son.

And while praying I was forcing myself to calm down. And recognizing I needed patience... I was able to think clearly on how I was going to deal with him when I caught up with his Lil ass.... Basically I was practicing patience while asking for patience....


Won't he do it!!!
When I was at my lowest or when stuff was getting hard, I didn’t pray. In my depression, I sat in it and slowly worked out of it but now I just try to put good karma out there so it can return to me and also knowing it wasn’t gonna last forever helped. Thanking the stars daily.
For those that don’t believe in Jesus, when you’re at your lowest or it seems like nothing is going right or you’re questioning everything about yourself, where do you get your faith or will to overcome it?

What gives you hope? Where do you get your moral code to live by?

Life is about ups n downs. Never get too high, never get to low. When its bad, its never as bad as u think it is n vice versa.

Life is about choices, try to make good choices .

You fail to plan, u dont plan to fail.

Might sound corny, but when in doubt. Always stay positive
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It’s very easy to be good but I also feel we underestimate how many people are just garbage human beings at their core.

it’s like with white people... they haven’t become less racist in the past 50 years, they’ve just gotten a lot better at lying.

Bob and Becky are real nice when you see them at the store, but if you could see the shit they talk online about you, it might make you sick.

Lol any local news article with a black crime the comments will be super racist.

“freaking thugs tearing up the city but want their lives to matter lol”
It's "adapt or die" at the end of the day, that's the motivation when things get rough for me. If you can't do that then you aren't fit to survive.
Prayer shouldnt be used to ask for material things whatsoever but rather stuff like guidance, discipline, etc which are non material/trivial.

Prayer should really be used for giving thanks and praising.
Most use Jesus as an excuse to feel better about your situation, I just use the "lifes a bitch" saying and just handle the L's recieved and set up the next possible win. Only you can change your lane, jesus wont.