FEATURED Protesters over the war in Gaza at Columbia University in New York City

The only bright spot of social media. Oppressive regimes/governments are unable to hide their totalitarian ways. Israel has been getting its shit off for decades with limited push back. They can no longer hide the atrocities they commit. Shout out to Gen Z for not standing for the bullshit.
All because we want our government to quit arming these muderers. And our freedom of speech is being taken away for a foreign government
I don’t care about Gazans or Israelis - well not more than Americans and I walk down the streets daily seeing people cracked out, homeless and working people struggling like hell with high crime in the hood and high taxes in the burbs. With that said I wouldn’t give a single tax dollar to Israel. They got all the guns they need. Why should we fund their war? I wouldn’t stop them or say anything isreal wasn’t a parasite sucking the tax blood of Americans - more people dying amd starving in Africa than Gaza and isreal and Haiti is fucked...if we don’t care about that (and we dont) fuck this conflict - if you want people to stop protesting - stop funding it - then we don’t have anything to complain about
  • Goat
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I don’t care about Gazans or Israelis - well not more than Americans and I walk down the streets daily seeing people cracked out, homeless and working people struggling like hell with high crime in the hood and high taxes in the burbs. With that said I wouldn’t give a single tax dollar to Israel. They got all the guns they need. Why should we fund their war? I wouldn’t stop them or say anything isreal wasn’t a parasite sucking the tax blood of Americans - more people dying amd starving in Africa than Gaza and isreal and Haiti is fucked...if we don’t care about that (and we dont) fuck this conflict - if you want people to stop protesting - stop funding it - then we don’t have anything to complain about
Yeah man
Giving Ukraine and Israel money while:
Our infrastructure is terrible
Healthcare is damn near nonexistent
Our education is getting worse
Homelessness is on the rise
and many more

We could have been solved all of our problems with the money we have given them.
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